Thursday, January 31, 2008

simpsons did it

Darn, I was thinking about doing something like that (hypothetically) for one of my classes. OK, well, I thought it was a terrorist attack and that's what my paper that's due on Monday is supposed to be about. Of course it's supposed to take place in Indiana so that's making it like a thousand times harder. According to the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) there's over 8000 potential targets in Indiana which doesn't make it easier for me since I usually don't think in those terms. Perhaps this is one list you don't want your city/area on.

A special note for my favorite fifth grade teacher that didn't want to tell me what postsecret-thingies she send. That was probably a good decision. To be fair though, this story is about a fourth grade teacher. They're just a wild and unpredictable bunch. Unlike those smart, dependable fifth grade teacher-types.

That's one hell of a bill. Just because they cancelled their service? Wow! Remind me never to get on their bad side.

She certainly "took care" of those ferrets. Took care is in quotation marks because it's a reference to the mafia term. Obviously she wasn't sick enough to toss them in the fridge. Although I'm glad she took responibility for it.

That's a lot of water.

ghost buster

Really? She's dating him? The dork from Punk'd? Huh, there's hope for me yet. I could've made that diagnosis, I think anyone could've seen that. Still, the sky is blue. Just thought I'd put that out there too since we're stating the obvious here. I'm deeply upset that parents would make medical decisions based on a fictional show. That's like letting someone perform brain surgery on a loved one because they've "seen a few episodes of ER." Or thinking that you're a hardcore soldier because you've played some video games. You know, I think I can fly a plane because I play those aircraft simulator games on my computer.

13 people? Really? That many complained? Well, you've got to bring it down! I think the company has a leg to stand on. Since I consider 13 people a minority of the population that took offense to it. Nah, I know it's more but there's a photo!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

it's my party

Not very inspiring is it? Then again, we're just figuring out how to balance security with convenience. I suppose we could strip search every passenger, that'd be safe, but it would suck. You'd have to show up a day before your flight, go through the embarassment of being strip searched and the airline industry would suffer. I don't have a solution yet, but I'm forming one.

Well, more on this now. So if the parent isn't to blame, then who is? I'm almost certain that the baby didn't nuke itself. Is that a hard leap to take? Did a 1-month old baby set the microwave, climb in, shut the down, and then powered it up? No. So who's to blame? This isn't a blameless crime, someone's got to pay. And when she said that if she wasn't drunk then her baby wouldn't have died. Truer words were never spoken. If she didn't get drunk she probably wouldn't have gotten pregnant. Tell you what, some people should be sterlized.

Peek-a-boo? Really? That's the defense they presented? How does the game involve a stun gun? The game hasn't changed much since I played it and there was no stun gun involved back then. There's also the partial defense of trying to shift the blame to the mother, which I thought was very noble of him. I'm just glad the judge only took 20 minutes to decide that this was a bunch of crap.

I'd like to see the videotape of that robbery. Of course if I were the teller I'd be confused about the guy that was robbing me when he handed me the gun. Still, I don't think that he'll get much in way of punishment. Possible house arrest with a GPS ankle bracelet. C'mon, you can't send the 72 year old guy to a federal "pound-you-in-the-ass" prison. Sure he robbed the bank using a gun, but he gave it back almost immediately. That's got to count for something.

That's gay. Offering $5 plus pills to kill someone? That's a well-thought out plan. Plus, the whole thing was to be with another guy? Gay crime is on the rise people, it was just a matter of time. And as far as the $500,000 bond, that's a bit excessive. Do you think if he could afford a half-million dollar bond he'd pay a cop $5 to kill someone?

Possession of a weapon of mass destruction? That's the charge? It was a modified .45 pistol. Not a biological agent. Hey, if it's true then in accordance with the PATRIOT Act you don't actually have to give him a trial, just cart him off to Gitmo. If you've got a WMD then you should be classified as a terrorist.

Friday, January 25, 2008

not a finga

CLEAR! Yes, just so you know, you can kill someone like that. Well, I have to say it's weird. Although Indiana still gets my vote in the weird department. I thought that it was on when the guy got killed. It would make for one messy scene. Still, I don't understand why they were working on the mower. There's still snow on the ground and it's freezing cold.

I've heard stronger denials. It would've made for a good amount of casualties. The rule of thumb is if they're suicidal, they're homicidal. However, the plan wasn't very well thought out. Hijack a plane with handcuffs, rope, and tape? I suppose MacGyver could do it but not this kid. And the fact that the plane landed at its destination instead of being diverted makes for a good defense.

I tried to convince my friend to go this weekend to see it. He said he didn't have the money. It would've made for an awesome story! We would've gotten there by now, and then tomorrow attend the live broadcast, and then fly back Monday morning. Tickets would've cost us a total of $350 each. That's plane tickets and tickets to the event. Too bad.

Math = Virgin. Well, I don't know if I like the sound of this experiment. Not the math nerds not getting laid, I knew that. Just the idea that the more sex you have, the worse the grades. Then they go on to say that medical students have the most sex. Wouldn't that mean that these "doctors" got the worse grades in schools? I don't know if I like the sound of that.

George Carlin got it right when he talked about the term, "near miss." It sounds an awful lot like it's a hit. *crash* Look those two planes nearly missed. Yes, but not quite. It's a near hit, not a near miss. So it's the end of the world, that's just great. That doesn't worry me as much as the estimates in its size. Now these guys work at NASA right? So they're "rocket scientists" right? I'm disappointed, I used to think they were smart people. With this estimate, it's a huge deal. It's somewhere between 150meters to 600meters in diameter? Dude! That's a huge difference. I'm seriously pissed, because apparently they're as stupid as the people we compared them to. I guess chopping wood is just like rocket science.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

like it or not

It's like a made-for TV movie. That's so sweet. Although I wonder if his deceased wife would've liked it. Ha!

Well, that certainly seems to be a rare disease. Long-time effects? A lot of dead deer. However, my concern is that we're trying to ignore natural selection. All in all though, there could be worse things you could have to eat.

It must be true if it's on a mug! In my classes we've learned that this is known as "irrefutable" evidence, like DNA and t-shirts.

That's just a recipe for disaster. I mean, how screwed up do you have to be to try dating an accused killer of not one, but two women? Well, I suppose if you want to be #3 that's fine.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

bring it off

They Brought It Again. You'd think after the 2nd one they'd quit. And yes, I've seen the 4th one. Why? Well, have you seen something so horrific that you have the stare at it? Like if someone blew their brains out with a .45 and it splats all over the wall behind them? It's like that, staring at the splatter stains to figure out where it all came from and what not. Well if you don't know, come over because after watching "Bring It On: In It To Win It" I might just blow out my brains. Not really, but it feels like that. I just wish I knew why I'm watching this crap.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

you know

I think in the last few days I've spent more time with my dad than I had in a really long time. Once I thought I knew him, because I can see where I get some of my mannerisms, attitudes, and other personality quirks. Yet, I can say I don't know this guy. I mean, he watches REALITY TV! And not just since he's been bedstricken but he knew the score/plots from before. Ugh, I thought he was better than that, but apparently not. I need something else to focus on.

So, what's the problem with the uniform? Is it because it is orange? I understand the purpose behind the rule, and I also understand the religious purpose behind the unitard. For me they don't conflict. And for the coach that's bitching about the fact that it was worn last year. Well, that's fine. I'm sure the officials are Man (homosapiens) and Man is fallible. They probably didn't know the regulations all that well in this special case. To the official with the genius idea of wearing a plain white t-shirt over her unitard and under her school's uniform. I said that Man was fallible, not stupid. He's a uni-tard.

Not to say that this information isn't important, but c'mon give us some real information. Oh, he's clean cut, probably married... blah blah blah. That's taken straight out of the psychology textbook. Probably a white male between the ages of 18-45, employed, family man, goes to church, blah blah blah. Yup, that narrows the field down. And this is helpful, "In fact, Chitwood asked women involved with someone with qualities likened to the serial killer to contact the police immediately. He said they may be in danger themselves." Yup, it shouldn't be too hard to point someone out with the qualities mentioned in the article.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

no news is good news

So I got some literature from the hospital. Guillain-Barre (ge-Ya bah-RAY) syndrome is what it's called. Don't worry if you've never heard of it, nobody else that I've talked to has either. Well, besides the doctors and nurses... My dad isn't in the best of moods, he hates being immobilized like this. My presence probably isn't making it any better. He hasn't lost any more ability so that's good. Also, I'm eating less (thus losing weight) and smoking less.
Had to tell my friends why I wouldn't be in class for at least this week. Plus, girl from college/early-Army career. She called the same day I found out and she could tell I was hiding something so I told her I would tell her today. We get each other like that.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

wait, it gets worse

I've spent the better part of 27 years trying to eat and read the newspaper comics at the same time. Can't do it. I either spend all my time reading or eating, or spilling my food on the comics thereby ruining them and the rest of my day. Yeah, I can answer questions and listen to someone else at the same time. I'm even able to eat and type, but work a newspaper and eat? Can't do it. But wait, it gets worse...

This girl, from my college/early-Army days, with whom I had a crush on. Told her so, got rejected, took some time to get over that, and then almost started dating but didn't because of a deployment (stupid Saddam Hussein and Operation Iraqi Freedom). Anyway, we're still on good terms. She called Friday and told me that she had just gotten engaged to her long-time boyfriend. I never met the guy but from what she's told me, I really don't like him. No, it's not a jealousy thing, but he sounds like such a loser. Yeah, she's got her quirks but she's smart and beautiful, good sense of humor. Her parents and I actually get along (something that's never happened before) but in the end, if it makes her happy then who am I to judge? And then?

My cat, by "my" I mean the family's because well let's face it I never really took care of him, died this week. He was 17 years, 9 months old. He lived a pretty full life if you asked me. Lived in two different countries, two different states, and let's face it almost old enough to vote in the upcoming elections. You know, there are people at my unit that aren't even that old. The cat that was almost old enough to buy a porno movie and a pack of smokes, you can't ask for much more than that. I laughed at him all the time because we'd have to buy the "senior-citizen" cat food which was labeled 7+ years. It's not like any of those things are life changing though right? They're not really going to affect my future that much right? Wait for it...

So, in this week, no wait, this crappy year so far what can be worse? Besides realizing my failing with a newspaper and food? Besides my cat dying? My dad is lying in the ICU ward of a hospital right now. He's got some auto-immune virus that attacks the nervous system that I've never heard of or can even pronounce. Basically he's lost almost all ability to move his arms and legs. He's on a treatment program to halt and reverse the damage, but even then it is possible for this disease to affect his major organs which could be very, very, very bad for him. Even with the treatment he's still got lots of physical therapy in order to restore regular function.

Yeah, and the last two items I had to learn from my aunt (dad's sister) on Friday. A full 1.5 days after he admitted himself into the emergency room. He drove himself there. So whatever else 2008 has in store for me, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like it. If you think it can't get worse, the universe usually finds a way to prove you wrong.

Friday, January 11, 2008

just like that

Yup. I can see how one could relate the Holocaust to the smoking ban. And the government is rounding up smokers and tossing into concentration camps, I mean happy camps. Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Go smoke somewhere else.

See? Something good came from all that. I mean, snow in Baghdad. It's like a portent of things to come. Democracy = snow.

Huh. Didn't think there was that much to the business. OK, so the blacks could probably only afford it by paying less. And the discount to repeat customers is not a new idea. I was shocked though to see that having a pimp actually increased their annual income, but I guess that's what happens when you have someone to regulate and enforce prices. This I didn't believe but I guess since there's all sorts of kinky stuff out on the Internet (I've heard) that this wouldn't be far behind. I watch porn for the storylines and masterful directing, just like I read Playboy for the articles.

It's sad because she was innocent. Still, I've got to make fun of the dad because he'll be dead soon. Dude, it took you four months to beat up a baby? You're weak. And where the f*** is the mother in all of this? That b**** ought to get the death penalty too for letting this s*** happen in the first place. Four months!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

not one last time

Ah, porn on demand. On tap. Too bad we can't combine the porn-o-box with real life advice like this.

Oh, for crying out loud! She's an anesthesiologist! Won't participate in the war? What the hell does that mean? Well, then she doesn't have to pay taxes either since the government uses that money to pay for the war. Also, try not to benefit from any of those advancements made due to the war, previous and present. You know, like the Internet, stuff like that. On a side note, a majority of the people that use the Army to pay for college loans aren't exactly the cream of the crop. Try the bottom 10%. You know, the people that can't get a good job to pay it off themselves.

They weren't sure he had a history of mental health? Well, if he didn't this is a helluva symptom. So let's see, he's religious enough to cut off his own hand. Smart enough to use a tourniquet. Clever enough to nuke the hand. Yeah, this guy is crazy.

There you go, that's a punishment. As a cherry, make him watch the last three installments of the Bring It On series.

Just call him retarded. Although I'll admit that it is funny.

Monday, January 07, 2008

get back

Well, in his defense the baby was crying while he was trying to watch TV. You've got to get that at a young age. Although I'll admit that using a bat isn't the most effective method. It just leads to a circular event, babies tend to cry more when being beaten with a bat (not less) until a certain point. Really though, I think the parents need to stand trial for this too.

29 hours? That's it? Pfft. I did that this break a couple of times. Of course I didn't just watch sports and I got up on my own a few times to let various delivery people in but other than that? That ain't sh*t. Now here's truly a test of endurance. Yeah, I think I'll compete next year, I predict a long year of training but I'm up for it. I may also train and compete for Couch Potato too.

I had the same reaction as Doy Seng. That just makes sense to me. Most of the customers will just have to be carted across the street, don't even need to gas up the car. To streamline things though I think that a funeral home should open up a senior center or vice versa.

I don't understand this. A loaded gun looks exactly the same as an unloaded one. Why did they need to trace a loaded one? Hey guys, next time you get this idea, trace the barrel against your head.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

i am freaking out!!

I am freaking out! Not really. I just love the commericals. I think it's hilarious because yes, it's true, if you walked into a Burger King and they said they weren't selling Whoppers anymore it would be disconcerting. However, it's not a real freakout unless it happens outside of a localized area (a Burger King). Go into a neutral area, say a supermarket, and tell people that Burger King has discontinued the Whopper just to see their reaction. I bet there isn't one. Now go into that same neighborhood and tell people that terrorists are going to detonate a nuclear bomb there, I bet that'll freak them out.

I don't think there's anything really funny about this story, I mean the guard felt he was responsible and did the honorable thing. Nothing funny about that. I don't think he should've taken his life, but hey, it's done. What I do find funny about the story is the pictures attached to the story. Now, they've digitally covered up the officer's name for his own protection yet they mention his name throughout the article. The offensive portion of the note is left untouched though. I can remember a time when they would've blanked it out, but I guess that's the state of the nation today. We'll blank out the name of the guy we know but not cover up the drawing of someone giving us the middle finger. Perfect!

Not to say this isn't an idea I've toyed around with, but it is morbid. Both sides make compelling arguments. Hey, if you know someone's going to kill you, you might as well tell someone in a letter. And if you want to frame someone for your "murder" you might as well tell someone else in a letter as well. The only problem I see with this is in the second scenario you might get the conviction but you're still dead. Unless you have some Hollywood magic going for you.

Ew. I guess there's something to be said for those plus-sized ladies and their underwear. Here's a time you'd want to blank out the name in the article. Although I guess she and everyone that knows her knows that she's a plus-sized girl.

Aww. Dogs that love spaghetti? All I can think is that Lady and The Tramp scene.

$46.40 That seems like a lot for "four" people. Of course I eat at the cheap places but still. You can't blame them can you? My mom used to preach about getting your money's worth at all-you-can-eat places. "Hit the seafood, the roast beef" Keep away from the stuff we eat at home. Hehe. On a separate note, I knew two people from Houma, LA. I'm surprised it's still there. But of creole folks there, plus it's like 20 miles south of Baton Rouge, I thought that was all underwater now.

Sex is legal. Selling is legal. So shouldn't sell sex be legal? What? Is it wrong? Why? Hey, I'm a traditionalist. I'll pay for dinner, entertainment, pick her up, drop her off, open the door, but all of that (except the last one) costs money. I'm paying that cost. Now if I get sex, then vicariously I've paid for sex.