Friday, May 30, 2008

put a fork in me

My friends Bill and Sabrina have been married now for almost a week. Although they've acted like a married couple for at least two years. So, I'm waiting for pictures from the photographer via the married folks, in order to post some. I've got a couple of pictures, but I found it difficult to take pictures because I was in the wedding.
So me and friends arrived late Saturday night and for us drinking starts shortly after arrival. Not heavy drinking mind you, it was late. Eventually, we all headed off to bed and an inflatable bed was pulled out for me. I get to bed about 2:30am, yes, it's early but we have to get up to do some last minute stuff. Of course do you know what time I get up because the puppy is running around and runs over me, discovers its me and wants to play? Oh, about 4am. Then the sun floods the room at about 5:15am.
By about 10am, we're all up and eating breakfast (McD's provided by groom) and drinking beer. Of course we're not just drinking, but we're doing last minute stuff. Setting up lighting in the tent (Darius & I get that lovely honor) and doing sound checks, some rehearsals with and without music. We're also setting up the "open bar" and testing it out.
As far as music goes:
Prelude - Classical Music (i.e. Bach, Chopin, etc)
Processional - Enya
Recessional - Top Gun Anthem
Dinner - Sinatra
Garter - "The Stripper" David Rose
Bouquet Throw - Mission Impossible Theme
First Dance - "Eternal Flame" The Bangles
Bride/Father - "My Girl" The Temptations
Groom/Mother - "Moondance" Van Morrison

Music wasn't the problem. There were no big glitches in the whole thing which I thought wasn't possible. Oh, and it turns out that me and my fraternity brother Tim were the only two single people to show up. Look, had I known, I would've brought a date. But it's a wedding. You don't bring a date to a wedding. That's like bringing a deer carcass hunting.
Also, there was still no clear cut assignment of Best Man between me and Darius. We attempted to figure this out between us. Uh, let's see. Darius got to escort the MOH, carry the ring, and would go on to do the toast. While I had to plan the bachelor party, pick up the tuxes, and do the music. Of course going with the theme of the party, Bill didn't tell us we had to do a toast until the dinner. Ha. Darius was good on his feet and I just stood there like a mannequin.

Since we didn't know where they were registered, Wes and I got them a Top Gun poster (which we ironically got for them before the music was selected). Bill bought the guys in the wedding party, all gigantic beer mugs which we used that weekend. Also, Bill and Sabrina got me a Jack Daniels zippo, which is awesome because if you had to describe me in three words that'd be it. Or Lego Star Wars.

It was a good weekend even if I had a little too much to drink and ended up doing my best impersonation of a supermodel. Pictures to follow soon.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

not my calling

So this week has been a strange one. My buddy decided at the last minute that he wants tuxs. Did I spell that right? So no big deal. I just have to pick up mine, his and the best man's. I mean, it's not like it's the last week of the quarter and I've got all these projects due.
Pfft. It's not like he asked me to do the music too. Oh wait. Yeah. I'm doing the whole music for the wedding. You wouldn't believe how much has to go into just planning the music. Prelude, Processional, Recessional, Reception, and the whole thing. Wow, is there alot. Somehow I've been promoted from groomsman to deejay.
Sidenote, somehow in the joking around with the musical selection, I managed to convince the bride and groom to use the Top Gun intro for the bridal march. I WAS JOKING! and somehow it made the list. Seriously! OK. It's not like I'm taking care of the lighting too. Wait a sec...

Also, I found out something weird about my bank. I can go in, deposit money, inquire about my statement, and do any number of things. Except withdraw from my account. Oh, I can withdraw but they'd charge me a dollar! A frickin' dollar to withdraw money from my own account? I wanted to withdraw money for the wedding, hundreds. The teller suggested I go out to the ATM and pull out the money there, then come back in so they can change the 20's into 100's. Grr. When did withdrawing money become so hard?

Monday, May 12, 2008

sign on the door.

It's like Y2K all over again. This time it's at the pumps. You know, I haven't seen one of those old-style readers in a long time. I'm just surprised that the pumps could go up to $3.99. What I'm not surprised is that they can only count up to $99.99. I see a problem with posting the sign with the price of half-a-gallon of gas. Everyone is going to think that's the price of gas, swamp the place and then complain because gas is full price but displays half of it.

Interesting. Painkillers don't prevent Alzheimers. Hmm. OK, I gotta wonder about how these "scientists" came to the conclusion that taking Aleve could prevent Alzheimers. Derr, these people didn't get Alzheimers so it must be Aleve. Oh, they also drank plenty of water. Maybe that'll prevent Alzheimers. They inhaled through their noses, maybe that's the preventative medicine we're looking for. And they sit on their butts. *gasp* Is that the cure? What really scares me are the warnings that come with Aleve and Celebrex. Gastroinstestinal bleeding? Heart risk? It seems that drugs tend to cause more problems than they're supposed to help huh? Take this pill to help with your heartburn, but it causes your eyes to pop out at random.

Boy burned by the stupid game. It must be awfully boring in Wisconsin. Fun with burning other people.

Well, at least they were nice enough to put a sign out stating what was going on. Maybe a better idea would be to give doseages so you don't drive out nearby neighbors. Although I have to admit that it does seem to be a popular way to go. Cheap for sure. If that was happening here though, you know outraged parents or whoever, would ban detergent or sue Tide.

Wow. Those British girls are hardcore. Bombings? What are they? Irish? ooOOoo. Damn Catholics, always bombing Protestants.

In a bit of celebrity news. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Indiana Primaries

You know what I hate about elections? It's not that we're faced with candidates that say they're about change while maintaining the status quo. It's not the idea that we're perpetuating a broken system. Nor is it about the campaign funding that represent major corporations but do not represent the people.
No. You know what I really hate about elections? Preempting regularly schedule programing!!! Stupid elections, it doesn't matter who wins, we all lose. I'm pissed about missing my shows because they're being tossed assigned for news coverage of polling locations. Who the f*ck cares about who Joe C*cksucker and his wife voted for. Is it newsworthy? No. Not a lot of things in this world is newsworthy.

And how crappy my DVR is because it doesn't take into consideration stuff like this. I pay alot of money for my cable and it sucks. Unfortunately, I'm stuck between sucky cable and nothing.