Now, for some serious stupidity. Really? They're against the Predator drones? You can't see all of those other planes that drop bombs either. Yup, blame the unmanned plane. That's what kills all of those innocent people, not the actual bombs that explode on impact. Besides, you can hear those manned planes because those damn pilots can't keep their mouths shut. You can hear them from miles away (and above).
Oops doesn't cover it. You know, there's plenty of blame to go around. I really don't think she should have to pay those medical expenses. Maybe get some money in return. Still, I think our healthcare system is a bit overwhelmed. Maybe we should fix that, and the 7-digit figure she'll be getting probably won't help that cause any.
Not funny news, good people doing good things. What got me was the headline link from the main page. It said "Pizza Man Helps Save Rape Victim From Remote Cabin." There's so many things wrong with that statement. First, who gets raped by a remote cabin? OK, rape isn't funny. Still. Secondly, Pizza Man? That's just got to be the worse superhero name ever. I mean, good for a late gaming session or drink fest, but not a good superhero name. What do I know though? As long as he gets the job done and saves the day.
Oh. Army MPs (military police) always making things so interesting. Always doing the right thing, looking out for the interests of the Army.