Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fate is Hollow.

It's raining.
What the hell? For the last week it has been 90+ and in the last two weeks there hasn't been a drop of rain. So yesterday I gave Stacy a nice washing, trying to get into every nook and cranny and I think I did a pretty good job. And without fail, it starts to rain.
Actually, it happened the last time I washed my car about a month ago too. There's just something that doesn't want Stacy to be clean.
At least the heat wave has broken. Thank-you Stacy! And Fate.


Anonymous said...

so that's what it's like to be the rainmaker.

Dan said...

don't be jealous cuz i have a marketable skill. sure you are educating the future, but i can make it rain!!!

Anonymous said...

i am not worthy!