Saturday, September 30, 2006

be honest, you can't spell can you Scarlett?

Scarlett Johansson was voted sexiest woman alive by Esquire magazine. Good choice. Although she wants to be admired for her brains, gallbladder, and other internal organs too. I like her sass too, according to the article she once flashed a sign that said "the person taking this picture is harrassing me."
Harass is spelled with one 'r' not two. Nice try. Wanna be taken seriously as a brain? Learn to spell. Look, it's nothing to be ashamed of, if you've got it flaunt it. If you don't, then don't expect others to admire you for it. Like there's something wrong with being sexy. I really don't see that many Nobel Prize winners getting into exclusive clubs or restuarants because of their status. So big deal people buy movie tickets to see your rack. It's not like they're stuffing dollar bills in your g-string. If it bothers you that much, go to college, get a degree, or just accept who you are.
Like if a 400lbs woman worn a halter top with the glittered words "SEXY." NO! That's not sexy, that's not even close to it. Sorry, you don't got it so you shouldn't wearing those types of clothes. Boo hoo, you may be sexy on the inside but with all that fat it's hard to see it.
Me, I've got a shirt that says "I've got plenty of talent and vision. I just don't care!" I wear it proudly because that's me. It's a completely true statement. Well, actually, my wardrobe pretty much says "I don't care" without it being printed on my shirt so that really doesn't count.
It all comes back to honesty. Like tonight I had dinner with some friends at a Indian restaurant. Not to "woo woo" type, but the red dot type. And now I'm regretting getting the curry. Good going in, not so much so coming out.

Friday, September 29, 2006

it would make my day

Have you heard? Toshiba joins the massive recall of Sony-made batteries. Yes! That's great, I wonder if this laptop I'm typing on could explode on me? That would make an interesting story wouldn't it?
"Well, I was just sitting in my living room when *poof* my laptop started smoking and I felt a weird, sort of burning sensation in my legs. Oops, my laptop burned into them."
Nah, I wouldn't be able to do much now would I? Still, a little pain is sometimes necessary to have an interesting story to tell people.
OK, well, I have to go check and see if this laptop's battery has to join the recall. Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

i don't share

It might be the Only Child syndrome, I don't know I'm biased. I just don't share food. My food is my food, don't ask if you can have some. I might offer, but that's rare. It doesn't even matter if I'm eating and the other person isn't, they can stare at my food all they want. I'll offer to pay, but don't you dare move your fork in the direction of my plate until you have clearance from the tower. Many fingers have been lost in that futile attempt. I guess I'm mean and I'm OK with that, so long as I don't go hungry.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i am

I guess I'm not as retarded as I seem, or is it that I'm more retarded than I realize? Let's see, when I leave my place before I lock the door I have to hold my keys in my hand. I've never been locked out but I do this anyway. Then I lock up. Put keys in pocket and walk out to my car. Open passenger-side door with key (leave key hanging in door), throw stuff in, lock the door from the inside, and check to make sure my keys are where I left them. Have keys in hand and shut door. I've only been locked out of my car once in my 10 years of driving. Not a bad record. OK, back on track. Drive to work. In parking lot exit car, lock driver-side door from the inside, check to make sure I have keys in hand. OK! Close door.
You'd think with this OCD I'd be set right? Well, apparently not. My Blackberry requires a user id and password to change my email settings. This would not normally be a problem but I haven't updated my master list in awhile and I don't remember what user id I used for my Blackberry. In my paranoid state, I have a variety of passwords that get used with a vast number of user ids. I blame my dad, he taught me that. On the bright-side, none of my accounts have been hacked (not that I'm that important to be hacked), then there's the fact that I can't access crucial information on my Blackberry which makes me wonder how many other accounts I haven't updated.
See, this master list contains all the information a person needs to become me. *gasp* If someone else wants to be me, that's great because right now I don't want to be me. This all started when I was either 9 or 10, but back then it used to in one of those spiral notebooks and in a cypher that a friend and I created. Nothing complex, it utilized a 3-layer, 27-bit code. Which was complex as hell to create when you're in kid. My friend Chris D. had one part, I had the other, which could be combined to make the actual cypher, then you could decode whatever it was you needed. I think we only had the one cypher, so once you cracked that we were screwed.
OK, so I need to call PDA support and figure out what to do. I'll do that after work, I don't want to use work time for personal stuff (he says as he types this blog).

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

lazy america part 1

For the longest time I wondered why so many Americans are obese, then I stepped into the bathroom. Automatic flushers. That's not the cause, but it is one of the symptoms. There are elevators, escalators, sensors in the sink, automatic doors, and so many other small devices designed to save us time.
Elevators I understand as a furniture mover, there are just some pieces that are too heavy for anything else. Escalators though? Gimme a break, a flight of moving stairs to take a person up one flight? And don't even get me started on those walking escalators! Grr.
Chairs have wheels now and the swivel around, so you don't have to push away from your desk, get up, turn and grab. I'll admit though, in my home office my chair does that and has a built-in massager (but it shuts off automatically every 15 minutes!).
BLUETOOTH! As if having a cellphone didn't make you lazy enough! The Swedes invented an accessory that frees up both of the users hand! Oh, and there's no inconvenience of a wire. Thanks! I use a hands-free device, in my car! Where I needed both hands, because if I don't I'll probably die and take a bus-full of children along with me. Otherwise I use my hand to hold up my cellphone to my head or, gasp, my shoulder. And what is the deal with the wire? Look, it's an inherent price you pay. I like to stare into the Sun. Punishment: burnt out corneas. That's not supposed to change.
As Americans are we getting so lazy that we can't even flush our own toilets? Now a sensor has been attached to them to detect when we move to flush them for us. Wow, cool. No. LAZY! No one is that busy you can't flush a toilet. If you are, then you need to slow down. Enjoy the little things in life like flushing your own toilet or maybe smell a rose. Just don't try to smell the toilet.
Another symptom of laziness is having food delivered. Are you seriously that lazy that you can't even go out to your car and drive to whatever food place you're having it delivered from? Before the delivery was the drive-thru. That's not as lazy as having it delivered but still, there isn't enough time for you to park and walk inside? You can get it to-go! Once, to prove this point my friend B. and I went during the lunch hour to a popular fast-food restaurant. The drive-thru line was enormous. B. went for the drive-thru whereas I parked my car and ordered from the counter. I got into my car about the same time he pulled around to brag about it. He'd gotten his food less than a minute before me, but inside I had to wait for the drive-thru orders to be filled and I got to pick up as many napkins and condiments I wanted or needed.
Now I'm not going to lie, I'm lazy. I get food delivered even though it would actually be quicker for me to drive there, place an order, and drive back than to have the same order delivered. Cheaper too, but I don't mind. I'm trying to better myself, ordering out less and that sort. I'm also seriously considering starting to job in the morning or evening, haven't decided on a good time yet.
There's more to come. Stay tuned as I walk through my life and point out all the things I hate about it. Yes, I'm a self-hater.

Monday, September 25, 2006


I finally sat down at finished season two of Grey’s Anatomy. Seriously. Shonda uses that phrase a lot over the course of the series. I, of course, don’t care. It was 1180 minutes worth of entertainment all crushed into a weekend. It sounds like a lot doesn’t it? It’s just over 19 hours, including special features which isn’t that much. Hour-long episodes have about 18 minutes worth of commercials infused so the actual show content is only about 42 minutes. Of those 42 minutes there’s the introduction credit scene, the recap, and closing credits. So in reality there is about 39 minutes worth of “show” which is kind of disappointing when I type it out. Still, with 19 hours of my weekend dedicated to Grey’s Anatomy I got a few things done.
One of my accomplishments was putting together another small bookshelf for the rest of my books. Most of these books were from my college era. So psychology, mostly philosophy though. And I realized something. Being a philosophy major I had the wrong impression. All of the other subjects in college are designed to make you into whatever it is you’re studying. Example: Physics, you study to become a physicist. Journalism, to become a journalist. Yet in Philosophy all you learn about is other people’s writing, you don’t actually philosophize. You just read it and write a report about what you read. I guess I can understand it. Like in Religious Studies, you don’t become religious from the courses but you become a student of religion. It is just deceiving and I guess I didn’t like that. I had philosophical ideas that never saw the light of day because of the structure of the class.
On the agenda for this week(end) is organizing my DVD collection. That means sitting down and inputting them into Microsoft Excel, alphabetizing, include release year, studio, and other useless information. It is a lot of work for something so little but I think it is worth it. Plus, it gives me something to do that doesn’t cost me any money. Maybe I’ll buy another DVD; I just have to figure out which one I can afford and if I want to own it.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Well, I called. Yeah, that went well. I was very aloof, we talked for a bit. She was busy this weekend, plus the 3.4hr drive was a factor.
It's been a productive weekend thus far. Laundry got done, dishes are washed. I've almost undone the damage I did last week with the trip to LA and my three day reserve training. I wrecked my place pretty good in the eight hours I was there. Work has been sorta hectic, plus the weather has been crappy and I haven't been in the mood to do anything. I really wasn't wanting to do today but I did.
Next on the list, picking up the little things. Maybe get wild and throw out the trash! Going to organize the kitchen first. Then we'll see what happens.

Friday, September 22, 2006

i want my mtv

Week's recap. These are things that didn't quite make the blog because they were too insignificant to have their own entry.
Well, for the last couple of weeks my Blackberry has been on the fritz. I stopped getting email updates, couldn't access the internet, or Yahoo IM. Finally, I got some free time and called the PDA support line. The first thing the guy did was ask me what kind of Blackberry it is, to which I replied "I dunno, it's a 7130-something." He told me to look under the battery. Yup, 7130e. Place battery back. Next thing I know, I'm getting every single email I didn't get on my Blackberry for the last two weeks. I tell the guy thanks and hang up. Now I gotta sort through my emails, mostly deleting them because they're old and I've already done it on my other accounts. I'm stupid.
Shhh, don't tell my boss, but he hasn't given me a new project this week. I'm working, but it's just routine stuff and keeping our lists up-to-date which doesn't take me that long to do. Ha, so basically I'm just cruisin' through work this week.
This week has been season/series premiere week for TV. Yay for me, I love it. New episodes of favorite shows and just plain old new shows. Now I have something "more" to do at night than just sit in front of the TV and watch re-runs. I want new episodes! Not a step forward, but more of a side-step.
I've noticed that people just don't know how to turn when they drive. It's not necessary to come to a complete stop to make a 90 degree turn. When I'm in a left-turn lane, I pull right up to the line and force the people making a left turn from the right to make correct turns and not cut through. And they give me pissed off looks while I just smile at them.
Oh! I got a girl's number. Haven't called her yet. What? It's Army-related. Stop bothering me about it already.
Yeah, that's my week. My weekend doesn't look much better, I've got to clean up my mess from last week.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

take beano before there'll be no cancer

Continuing the trend of media scaring the bejesus out of us, heartburn or GERD now can cause esophageal cancer. 60 million Americans report that they experience heartburn at least once a month, nearly 15 million experience it daily. Barrett's esophogaus <- a disease, not someone I know named Barrett, has been linked to esophageal cancer. So next time you choose Mexican or bite into a juicy hot dog you might get cancer.
Great, now I can't even enjoy the foods I eat! Spinach in 2006, Chi Chi's onions in 2003, now cancer? Next they'll say that sitting at home leads to brain tumors.
Last night, M. and W. and I were having a discussion about hospice workers. M. said that the requirements were that you had to have a terminal illness and if you can afford the worker, you can have one for two years. When he said terminal illness, I told him that everyone has a terminal illness. Life. Terminal refers to 'certain death' in this case right? I guarantee you that I'll eventually die from life. Maybe not in two years but who knows? Although I don't think life is a recognized illness or disease, I think it should be. Life kills more people than heart attacks and accidents combined annually. Life has been killing for thousands of years and there's no sign of curing it any time soon, I don't even think there are people working on it.

Could be I'm just paranoid...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Vegan Conspiracy

Salad is bad for you. According to this news report, two children tested positive for E. coli after eating spinach. The bad spinach resulted in the recall of spring salad mixes and other products that may contain the tainted spinach.
Ha! I wish I had access to these kinds of reports when I was a kid. Of course it wouldn't do me any good because my mom would still make me eat my greens.
"You better eat your salad."
"No thank-you, I don't want E. coli."
"Too bad. Eat your salad."
"OK, but if I get E. coli you'll regret it."
That's how the conversation would've went. My mom always wins, I don't think I ever won a single argument against her. Nothing bad ever happened to me (that I can remember) but it could've happened!
I think the beef PACs convinced the government to taint the spinach as a test run to wipe out the vegan community. Well, the vegan and the PETA folks.

left of the middle

World politics and stupidity aside, I've been watching a lot of TV lately. Nothing new for me. However, I think I may have gone a little overboard lately. Let's see, I haven't finished the Lego Star Wars video game (but I'm on Episode III), there's still Lost in Translation to view, and I got the new Final Fantasy VII game, Dirge of Cereberus to play. It takes me a long time to play one of those games. Example, I have over 260 hours on Final Fantasy X. I haven't yet beat Final Fantasy X-2. There is also still an active game on Final Fantasy VII, where I'm trying to max out every single character's stats.
On Monday I was faced with a difficult decision. Do I purchase Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Uncut, or do I get the new Lego Star Wars Trilogy? Both cost approximately the same, the downside was that I hadn't completed the first Lego Star Wars game but it would take less time to finish off both games than it would be to view season 2 of GA. Unfortunately, this is premiere week. That means less dvd viewing time because all of the shows that I missed because of the summer hiatus are now all coming on at the same time. Eventually I decided to just get Grey's Anatomy, even though I watched all of the repeats on ABC throughout the summer.
Aaron Sorkin's got a new show on NBC, Studio 60. I've waited a long time for a Sorkin-esque behind-the-camera show. Internet critics (guys living in their parent's basements that haven't seen a girl in real life and spend all of their time in chatrooms talking to the 14 y/o girls thinking they're cool) are starting to notice trends in Sorkin's writing style. Now yes, I agree with them on that fact but they don't realize that it is what works. They're all dynamics! Some other point out the similarities in the details of characters' lives. Well, I don't care. I've missed Dan Rydell, Casey McCall, Dana Whitaker, Isaac Jaffee, Jeremy Goodwin, and Natalie Hurley. Maybe, just maybe, Studio 60 can fill that void in my life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

football is everything

Yesterday I spoke about how stupid religion can get. Today, I wanted to continue on the subject of stupidity.
Last Sunday night I saw what was probably the greatest commercial of American stupidity. No, I'm not talking about the trailer for Jackass 2 although that is a great example of stupidity. No, I'm talking about the new Nike commercial, "Football is everything." Advertising should have some truth to it. Football is not everything. It's not even half of anything really.
Let's look at this realistically. Maybe half of the high school football players get a scholarship to go play college ball. If they pass their four or five years of college then maybe about 400 of them go to the pro draft, out of those 400 maybe 200 will make the cut to stay on a team for a number of years. Now let's say they can stay in the pro for six years, so they'll be almost 30 years old. What now? A BA doesn't get you anything. Go back to school to pick up your Master's? or maybe your Ph.D. yeah that's not very likely to happen.
So what about those high school football players that didn't get to go to college on a football scholarship? Maybe some of them go to college and become successful people that make lots of money, have families and leave their high school football glory where it should be left, in high school.
Football is a means to an end. It's just like the Army. The reserves or national guard to be more specific. Most of the people I know are using the Army as a means. You get paid to learn a job, then if you stay in long enough you eventually become a leader. The reserves and national guard pay 100% of your tuition needs, whereas active duty only pays 75%. Still, not too shabby.
Active duty vs. a bachelor's degree. A soldier has four years of job experience in a specific field, day in and out. A college graduate may have a few internships, maybe a semester long one and maybe he was in a club that gave them some more experience. A college graduate has spent the last four years learning. The soldier has only eat, breathe, and slept the job. There's upsides and downsides to it all. One has knowledge, the other has discipline. One has more job experience than the other.
No one single thing is everything, least of all football. Scrap that commercial Nike and think honesty. It is the best policy.

Monday, September 18, 2006

pope you

Whoa, who would've thought some words from an old dude would spark such actions? Yeah, the pope said some words that linked Muslims to violence. So what did some Muslims do? Well they certainly didn't do anything "violent" like burn down Christian/Catholic churches. No, wait, they did! Ha! That'll teach Christians to say that Muslims aren't linked to violence! Come on, that's like accusing someone of graffitti, then the next day spray painted on the police station is "I don't write on walls." How stupid do you have to be to do that?
OK, it's a small percentage of Muslims that do this stuff but still. I've seen a Jew say "Jesus Christ!" when something nearly hit him. *gasp* A week later a bunch of Christians strung him up on a crucifix. Nope, we just laughed and then I said, "Not my God you f***ing Jew." And we laughed some more.
Or how about when Mel Gibson said that Jews were the cause of all the wars in the world? I consider Mel Gibson to be more influential than say, uh, Pope Benedict IX. The Jews went on a Christian hate spree and looted and plundered downtown LA for two weeks. No, wait they didn't! I think they just invaded Lebanon.
Then there's the time some Danish newspaper published a cartoon portraying Muhammed. The leaders of the Muslim community wrote a scathing letter to the editor-in-chief and urged all Muslims to boycott the newspaper. Wait, it sparked riots across Europe and southeast Asia. Yeah, good job with that.
"What about the Crusades?" - Look, that was like a thousand years ago. GET OVER IT! Waaah! If a volcano hasn't erupted in a thousand years it's considered a dead volcano. The Crusades are a dead issue. I mean, are Christians still killing Jews because they killed Jesus almost two thousand years ago? Probably a couple of them, but for the most part THEY GOT OVER IT! Are Jews actively beating the crap out of Egyptians because they got used as slaves? Not as much as a Muslim would probably.
How about the time I called my friend a stupid Mormon? I immediately recanted my statement saying that he wasn't a Mormon (which he was). When he told me he was I told him "No dude, don't be so hard on yourself." Yes, it's a ripoff of South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut but still funny.
%#$@ all organized religions. You stupid pieces of @!%$ that use your #@%*ing religion as a 'reason' to bestow violence upon the world. And religion isn't peaceful either, if you need a book and some guy/girl in a robe to tell you not to go and knock your neighbor the $#@@ out and steal all of his/her ^@#$ing stuff then you had !@#$ing retarded parents who should've been neutered at birth.

More to follow.

worth saying again

It was 2003, the 4th Infantry Division was deployed to Iraq. Our area of operation was in the "Sunni Triangle" more deadly than the Bermunda three-sided object. We had been in-country for almost six months, we had seen combat action but were now finally getting into "stability operation" and were more relaxed. Not everyone was out to get us, just a small part of the community. No one I had known had been killed at this point, just injured or wounded in action.
September 18th started out like any other day, probably late night/early morning guard, convoy escort, and relaxation. OK, no relaxation, but we pretended to relax.
We had gotten word that elements of G Troop, 10th Cav (our brigade's recon company) had taken fire and needed support. Then their company post was now under attack, we were already gearing up when we were told to man our fighting positions instead. G Troop's CP was less than two miles away from us, from my position on the roof I could see the battle taking place. Plus, I had the radio tuned to our brigade's frequency and was listening to the reports which were hurried and filled with gunfire in the background.
I had asked my first sergeant if there was any way I could take a team to try flank the attackers, but he said that it was too risky to attempt that without prior coordination with G Troop. So I just sat back and watched helplessly as my friends needed some help. I was still monitoring the radio when G Troop sent up a report: Two KIA. One was Arriaga.
Arriaga was a great person. He had a huge heart, helping whoever whenever he could. Which was why he was where he was when he was killed. Another soldier was feeling ill and didn't think he was up to the mission that night, without hesitation Arriaga he switched duties with him.
That night the HMMWV he was driving took RPG and small arms fire. An RPG, fired at close range went through Arriaga, bounced, then exploded killing the TC of the vehicle. Arriaga was killed instantly, but his death has had a lasting effect on the rest of us.
Arriaga used to work up at the TOC with me, he was the "new" kid and I used to tease him about the fact that he was combat arms and I wasn't but he ended up in the 'rear' with me. Our two sections were competitive. Once at Ft. Hood there was a three-on-three freestyle wrestling match that took place in a tent we had set up. The FSE (fire support element) vs. MI (military intelligence) and the victor was unclear. FSE claims that they beat us because they had two of us down when the fight was interrupted. However, MI claims victory because of the fact that out of the six, only one was sent to see the medics the next day. Arriaga sustained minor injuries, two cracked ribs, which got him sent to the hospital for x-rays. An MI soldier sent a combat arms soldier to the hospital. There was never a rematch to determine a real winner.
Then when we deployed, Arriaga was sent to support G Troop along with some other soldiers I knew well. We still kept in contact, whenever either side was at the other's FOB we'd talk or exchange items. I remember when Ribas told me that Arriaga had gotten a rep as a bully. He got a way with alot because he was likeable, he'd swap MREs or cots with people (by force).
There are lots of other memories of Arriaga and he had an impact on everyone he's ever known.

We will remember.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

negative ghostrider, the pattern is full

Well, it's official. Top Gun (the movie) is just a memory. The Navy has finally retired the F-14 Tomcat. Tomcats were an icon of naval air superiority in the 80's and 90's. They could engage an enemy aircraft at a range of 100 miles, the sweepback wings were like something out of science fiction. And let's not forget the movie Top Gun. Tom Cruise as Maverick, Val Kilmer as Iceman, Michael Ironside as Jester, Tom Skerritt as Viper, Tim Robbins as Merlin, Rick Rossovich as Slider, Clarence Gilyard Jr as Sundown, Kelly McGillis as Charlie, Meg Ryan as Carole, and let's not forget Anthony Edwards as Goose. I mean, who never at least got teary eyed when Goose died? Me, I can't even watch it. The whole movie is just filled with memories, some make you laugh, some make you cry, but all of them make you wish you were 'a naval aviator.'

"The bet is $20. Of a lady this time, on the premise."
"I don't think that's fair."
"What? Why not?"
"Cuz, she's lost that lovin' feeling."
"She's lo... No she hasn't."
"Goose, she's lost it man."
"Come on! Aww sh... I hate when she does that."

Goodbye Tomcat, we will miss you buzzing the tower and making that guy spill his coffee on himself.

airport security

I'm too tired to rant. *gasp* Yeah, no. Yes, I arrived in Indy at 11pm EDT after a four-hour flight which was proceeded by an hour long meeting, cleaning and packing.
When I was at the airport on Monday, I noticed in the concourse one of the weirdest vending machines. Yeah you can't bring in outside liquids but you can purchase them once you pass security but again you can't take it on the plane. Once on the plane you can have all that you like. Sort of the same with knives, can't bring them in but they give you one on the plane. Not a plastic one, but a real one. Real security huh? And we got real glass in first class. Hmm.
OK, so back to vending machine. Nearby there's all sorts of vending machines. Pepsi, Coke, stamps, sandwiches and phone cards. All of the small impulse buys I can understand. However, Indy has a rare, unique, or weird one. There's an iPod and iPod accessories vending machine. And not just one but two, side by side. One sold the Nano and accessories, the other had the Shuffle and accessories. Since when was an iPod a purchase I wanted to make from a vending machine in an airport? OK, I understand the Duty Free shop and the sky magazine thing, but an iPod? From a vending machine? Is that really what the American dream is all about?
Who buys an iPod at an airport? "Oh, nice iPod. Where'd you get it?" "At the airport, when I was on a layover." I guess it would make a great last minute gift around Christmas. OK, and if you needed a birthday present too. I prefer my notion that there's someone out there so adverse to personal interaction that they purchase a ticket online, check-in online and go to the airport just to buy an iPod out of the vending machine. All that to avoid having to deal with a salesman.
Last great vending machine frontier: Real estate.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Type D Personality

Are you a Type D Personality? The Dutch, meaning from The Netherlands, have concluded that there is a third personality type. One that experiences hostility, anger, depressed mood, anxiety, and a negative view about themselves; which usually leads to them being tense, insecure, and uncomfortable in social situations. Wow, that's a lot.
These Type D people are more prone to cardiac failures. So, thinking that I'm a big, ugly fattie that makes me awkward in a social environment is going to lead me to a heart attack? Not that fact that I tend not to care how many calories from fat something has as long as it tastes good and is relatively cheap I eat? Whew, that's a load off my mind.
All I have to say is, "Seriously, what were you smoking when you came up with that theory?"

Monday, September 11, 2006

the city of angels

LA. Breath in that sweet smoggy air! Yum.
Took the morning flight from Indy to LA, very cool. Got in at about 9am local. Immediately went to the apartment and slept. I got to drive the Magnum around downtown LA for awhile to pick up the necessary household supplies, food, detergent, soap, toothpaste, and the like. They we went to El Paseo Inn in the Mexican district for dinner. Good food, I rated my meal at about 3.5 stars. Supposedly it got rave reviews, but when we showed up there were no patrons.
For me September 11th is just another day. Five years ago 4ID DMain was in the field in Brownwood, Texas and we came back in on the 10th for a day. Woke up and ate chow at the 1st Brigade Dining Facility. Watched the news coverage of first plane crashing into the tower, then I had to go to work. Within fifteen minutes of getting to work, the whole post shutdown. We went to FORCPROCON Delta (Force Protection Condition). They postponed our return to the field for a day, but then were back training in Brownwood. The only difference was that we were still in military vehicles traveling south towards the ports and everyone was honking and waving. I guess they thought we were deploying, because it certainly looked that way.
Two years ago we were deployed in Iraq and we didn't even know what day it was really. Division put out that we were on a "heightened" alert, we increased patrols and kept our forces at 50 percent readiness. It was nothing new, it just meant that we were out longer and we didn't get to sleep when we got back to base.
And today, I was flying to LA. I'm not belittling the events of 9/11 but life goes on for most.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

In The News

Missing American Found
Only the Air Force. Not to be mean, but it serves her right. Sounds fishy, maybe we're just not getting all the details.
Someone slipped something into her back pocket and the writing ON IT said it was a bomb. WHAT? Look, I have pants and I have a hard time believing that anything anyone can slip into my back pocket could be a bomb. "This is not a piece of cardboard, it is a bomb." And then it says that she was found with her hair dyed. Who is doing the abducting over there? The guys from Queer Eye??? Look, I know your show was cancelled but don't go abducting people in foreign countries OK?

Star Trek Turns 40
A milestone for geeks everywhere. Sulu is gay, William Shatner gets roasted on Comedy Central, Kirk and Spock are reunited on What more could we ask for? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the production of another Star Trek film. I guess that about covers it.

Thin Models Banned From Madrid show
Good job Spain! Fat is the new skinny. Eat food, that's natural. Not eating food, unnatural.

Greenpeace All Up In the Sex Business
Isn't it enough for Greenpeace to stop whale hunting, baby seal clubbing, and off-shore oil drilling, but the sex toys? Some sex toys contain something called phthalates. Phthalates are banned in the EU in children's toys and now they want to extent the ban to vibrators , dildos, and PVC outfits. I don't know, it's like smoking. OK for adults, not good for kids. "Greenpeace research has shown that phthalates can disrupt the human hormonal system, diminishes fertility and adversely affects the kidneys and liver."

McDonald's vs. McCurry; David vs. Golaith
OK, I understand the need to keep intellectual property and trademarks and such, but to take five years to win a suit against a small Malay restuarant named McCurry's is just ridiculous! Wow, it only took you five years to kick over an anthill? That's impressive! Apparently 'Mc' is trademarked by McDonald's, WATCH OUT GREY'S ANATOMY!

And that's the news. Stuff happens around the world and I read it. I laugh at it and then laugh some more.

Friday, September 08, 2006

shark porn

So I was up late last night. Not really doing anything except downloading Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" commercials. That and some Carlos Menica soundbites, like the 'Dee Dee Dee' song and dissing Kanye West. Of course the TV was on and I saw the most awesomest video game commercial ever! It's the Lego Star Wars Original Trilogy. It's the f***ing trifecta, Lego, Star Wars and video game. Well, I got my weekend planned now. Buy game, pop in game, and sit in front of TV. Whoever came up with that concept was a real Bud Light Real Men of Genius. Thank-you Mr. Lego Star Wars Original Trilogy video game concept comer upper!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

what's that?

This morning I thought I actually ran out of things to rant about. Thank-you real life! Driving into work I was actually sitting at a stop light looking around. Most of the construction projects are finishing up in the area, can't complain there. Then I started looking at the other drivers with me at the stop light. The woman to my left was on her cell phone jabbering away. The guy to my right was on his cell phone too, though I doubt he was talking to the woman on my left. It also looked like the guy behind me was on his phone too. Damn, it must be a long light sequence. Oh, look, people passing perpendicular to me. One, two, three, four, five. All on their cell phones. I felt sorta left out because I wasn't on one of mine.
My friend M. won't even consider buying a car with a manual transmission because of the fact that he's on the phone at least half of the time he's in the car. He doesn't even know how to drive a manual.
I hate trying to drive and talk on the phone at the same time. Especially in cities because it already takes two hands to drive, the addition of the cell phone throws a wrench in the whole process. Yes, I do have a hands-free set but I only use it on my longer trips.
My gripe isn't with the cell phone, but what it makes people not do. Like pay attention to traffic, or lights, and accidental lane changes. That cell phone is a distraction. I've been the fifth car to turn and not made the turn because the first guy in line is on the phone. It's a 30-second light, that's enough time for ten cars or more. Instead it's only enough time for four cars. Now I've spent three minutes at a light because some jackass is talking instead of making out the difference between red and green.
Yes, your life is moving at Mach One. Just don't get in my way because I'm moving at Mach Two. One of these days I'm just going to buy an old, beat-up truck and drive around with the sole purpose of pushing these idiots into oncoming traffic. <-- Yes, it's pre-meditated.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the day before tomorrow

Awkward idle conversations with strangers always involves the weather. Inevitably the phrase "Yeah that's (insert state), just wait 10 minutes. It'll change." comes up. That's true for every place except the polar regions. It's the weather! That's what it does! It changes!
In the last two weeks, the weather report for Carmel, Indiana has been wrong 80% of the time. "Partly Cloudy" Well, that's vague. Yeah, there's some clouds in the sky. A six year-old could tell me that. "Chance of rain." Duh, there's always a chance. It's not Antarctica. There's also a chance of a meteor strike but the weather-person doesn't seem to mention that. So far, whenever the weather called for scattered thunderstorms, there was a light drizzle. Yeah, really scattered. What the hell? I'm trying to plan my day around the weather. Can't wash my car in a thunderstorm now can I?
I think meteorology is the only profession where you can be wrong most of the time and not get fired. Well, that and fortune-telling. It's the same thing though, just one is on the local news and the other is in some tent at the carnival. Time after time they're wrong and we still put so much faith in the weatherman/woman. "Oh, it's a hard job." No it's not! They've already come up lots of vague descriptions to use, just reach into the hat and pull out one. "What? Chance of snow in Saudi Arabia? Yeah, I guess that could happen with global warming and the greenhouse effect." They make it more accurate by attaching a percentage to that chance. "20% chance of rain." What exactly does that mean?
And one more thing, I don't care what the weather was like 100 years ago! Put the Farmer's Almanac down! The weather 100 years ago doesn't affect the weather today or tomorrow. Yes, it is interesting that the temperature 100 years ago today was 78 and tomorrow it's going to be 80. Wow! Not newsworthy. That's just like telling me that on the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation, most of the pipes you see in the background are labeled GNDN; goes nowhere, does nothing. Interesting but not newsworthy!
Tomorrow I predict that somewhere it will rain, somewhere else it might snow, and it will be partly cloudy. I could be right... unless it's the end of the world, I didn't predict that.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

manic monday

I don't think I can blame this on my day job. This falls squarely in the pet peeve category. Spelling. Now to be fair I can't spell to save my life, my grammar sucks. It doesn't sux, it sucks. I like commas too, probably too much for my own good. I'm working on it a little in my spare time.
I understand in text messages that using shorthand is almost necessary. Not everyone has a full keyboard on their phones. I only have half a keyboard on mine. Going back even further, pager text messages. 911 meant urgent and 143 means I Love You (got that from a song). None of this applies to instant messaging (unless done from a phone), posting on a bulletin board, or blogging.
I realize that there are a lot of words that we use in everyday life that we can't spell correctly right off the bat like miscellaneous or circumference. That's what spell check is for, use it! Things like skool, recieve, dats, da, or b4 I can't stand. Proofreading folks! Learn it, use it, love it. Don't be stupid, stay in school. Or rather skool. They teach mnemonic devices still right? 'I' before 'E' except after 'C' and all that right?
I dislike the fact that there are people my age that can't spell to save their trailer. That's 25 years doing something, every single day and they still suck at it. Grr. Precluding any ailments or physical handicaps, that's like not being able to walk. Funny as it may look, they're just taking up valuable space and resources. Imagine fully grown adults walking around like they were toddlers, just walking around and falling for no reason, or walking into tables and buildings. Funny? Yes. Waste? Yes.
Either learn how to spell or just don't use those words that you can't or just open a word document, let the computer help you. Derrrrr. Ding, fries are done.

Monday, September 04, 2006

drive, drive, drive

What a weekend. It all starts Friday, I cut out of work early (about 4pm) at my boss' advice. Went to a friend's house to drink, don't remember much after that... although I did make the decision to go up to my dad's place some time that night. Woke up kinda late on Saturday morning, went back to my place to grab some clothes, shower, and the like. Made the five hour trek in six hours, I took a scenic route that didn't require the tollpike. Found a place called Hicksville, OH. I thought it was sorta redneck-ish and funny, that kept me amuse for almost ten minutes.
Got to my dad's, had some leftover pizza and then went shopping. He got me two shirts and two ties, which I thought were expensive but he thought were midly priced at $21.99 (shirts) and $10.99 (ties). We filled up gas at Costco at $2.24 for 89 octane which is damn cheap. Got home and went through some of his stuff, picked out some things I need that he doesn't use. I went with the full-size air mattress (yes! no sleeping on the couch for me!) and then I scrounged around for some of my old stuff. Before they moved, my parents pretty much threw away everything of mine. I have maybe half of my Lego collection, none of my books, no video games, and only a select few writing samples of mine for the early years.
Sunday morning, dad made some omlettes and I was on my way to Cincinnati to pick up the rest of my stuff from my old apartment and grab my mail. Now, under normal circumstances I would make the voyage from Cleveland to Cincinnati in just over three hours, this trip took me almost four! The cops were out in force, speed traps and basic trickery was afoot for the Labor Day weekend. So I did 75mph all the way. It was good too, Stacy got 39 mpg on that leg.
It only took me 20 minutes to load up my stuff in Cincinnati. My buddy called me just before I got to my place saying that he needed me to help him drive a second car to the airport. To which I replied, that I didn't think that I'd be able to make it, I was looking at about three hours before I got home.
Well, I got onto I-74 from Cincinnati to Indianapolis and found myself behind a '96 Honda Accord doing 100+ and whoosh, I was gone! I gotta give props to my girl Stacy, fully loaded and doing 105mph on the freeway she still got 36 mpg.
Got to Indy in time to help my friend, we picked up his family at the airport and went home. I unloaded my car, went back over to my friend's house and proceeded to drink (again).
So now it's Monday and I'm checking the fruits of my labor. First things first, air mattress. Plugged that bad boy in and fired it up. Clunk, clunk, clunk. Opened it up and the plastic fan blades are damaged. DAMNIT! So I'm going to try something more productive and sort out my Lego. There's miscellaneous toys and Construx in with my Legos. I think I spent a good two hours doing that today, but they're now sorted.
Grabbed the rice cooker I got from my dad's. At first I looked around and couldn't find the power cord, I searched the bag, the other stuff I brought in and still couldn't find it. I was seriously thinking about calling my dad and bitching him out for giving me all of his broken stuff. Then I lifted up the cover and inside was the detachable power cord. Had me some rice and spam.
All Monday though, I watched the Dark Angel marathon on the SciFi channel. Yes, I already own the entire series on dvd but that's not the point. I don't know what the point is but there's one to be made.

Friday, September 01, 2006

good morning, fake greetings

Whenever someone walks past me and says, “Hey, what’s going on?” I usually have some sort of off-the-wall reply which makes them stop. This is usually good enough to get them to never ask me that again. I realize that certain phrases have become acceptable greeting. I go by the rule of lawyers though, never ask a question that you don’t know the answer to already.
Also unacceptable for a greeting is, “Good morning.” Good is something subjective. Are you trying to impose your worldviews on me? How do you know what kind of morning I’ve been having? You don’t know, so there’s no way for you to know that I am having a good morning. Strike one! When I tell people this, they automatically assume that I’m having a “bad” morning. Strike two! And don’t stick around and argue with me. Strike three! Accept the fact that from that moment on for the rest of the conversation I’m going to treat you like a retard. No, wait, I’m sorry. I don’t have anything against retards, it’s not their fault. No, instead you’re a dumbass because you have control over yourself but choose to ignore it. I have no patience for the dumb.
“Morning” is a horrible greeting. What’s the mean? You know how to tell time by whether or not the sun has risen? Thanks Mr/Ms. Obvious! Or are you implying that I’m a dumbass that can’t tell what time of day it is?
“What’s up?” is another horrible greeting. It’s a question! Questions like, “How are doing?” or “How’s it hanging?” are just dumb ideas if you truly don’t want a reply. I don’t understand rhetorical questions as greetings. Ask at your own risk.
Either mean what you say or just shut up. If I don’t know you, it’s perfectly acceptable to just nod or ignore my presence. That’s not going to hurt my feelings. You could just say, “Hi.” or “Hello.” I hate fake people!