Tuesday, October 10, 2006

the blame game

Don't blame TV for society's problems. It's society's fault. Actually, I've traced it thus far to the economy. Parents are forced to work two jobs just to support their child, so basically they have three jobs. Something's got to give, probably that non-paying job called parenting. So what happens? Kids are growing up without adult supervision. Don't lay all that on teachers, they've got their own lives to worry about too. So what happens? Kids take guns to school and shoot up the place because of some stupid shit like getting picked last for kickball.
I really don't think that growing up has changed all that much in the last 50 years. Sure the technology has changed, but everyone still has to deal with the same problems. Technology is separating us more than we realize. Instead of getting up and looking for someone, we simply text message them or call their cell phone. Sure it "brings us together" as adults, but one of the purposes of school is social interaction. Kids can get on their XBox 360 and play Rainbow 6-3 with another kid in Australia, great. Yet when it comes to walking up to someone on the playground to play some kickball they can't do it.
I remember when I was in 1st grade living in Makakilo, out in the playground we didn't have fancy equipment. There was a pull up bar, some monkey bars, and one of those log paths. That's it. Oh, there was also an outcropping of rocks that resembled the Thundercats vehicle. That's what I played on. Once I played with a brick, it was broken so one of the ends was angled like the hood of a car. It was a fast brick/car and it could off-road, climb walls, and spin-out. I didn't get to watch that much tv until my dad watched something. My cousins and I used to watch Saturday morning cartoons, then went out and played.
Those were the days.

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