Bully the video game. Now I'm all for video games, some are entertaining and some are educational (without the player even realizing it), but this one is just an idiotic idea.
I can't wait for the string of violence to arise from this video game. OK, maybe violence is a little harsh but I'm sure torment of other kids on the playground will increase.
Who actually approved this concept? Video games like Ace Combat or Need For Speed actually provide some sort of entertainment or skills value. How you ask? Ask any Air Force pilot if they'd played some sort of fighter simulator game before actually becoming a pilot. Most have, it's what made them pursue a career in aviation. Need For Speed? Hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and driving skills. It's good.
This is too close to home though. I don't even mind video games like GTA because it is so outrageous. I mean, being a bully at school is video game worthy? Why? Is it fictional? Or based in reality? It's about as tasteful as a video game called 'Al-Qaieda' or 'Jihad' in which the player controls a Muslim who goes through camps to train on how to build bombs and then goes out to kill infidels or possibly infiltrate the U.S. and blows up a two really tall, adjacent buildings in New York City. Oh, that's not cool? Why not? It's just a video game. Doesn't that sound like a best-seller? Well, overseas maybe.
Seriously though, where's the line? What makes a game company produce and release a product like this? I understand that the owners were probably nerds that got beaten up a LOT when they were younger so it would be cool to be able to be bullies (via video game interface). So now they're contributing to the problem, which is so great huh? In fact, I think some current bullies will get some ideas from the game to try on other kids. Then, when the bully is being tried as an adult for voluntary manslaughter, he'll be up on the stand saying that he got the idea from playing the game. WONDERFUL!
After 'Bully' does Rockstar plan to release a sequel? Because I've got the storyline and title. 'Bully 2: Revenge' where you control the nerd that gets picked on and then you go on a school rampage, killing students, teachers and police. It first starts off with flashbacks of getting beaten up as you're selected your arsenal. Guns, bullets, knives, and maybe a cheat code for grenades. Stage two: get past all of the metal detectors at school and avoid RFI detection. Stage three: go postal and get the bullies that beat you up. Stage four: blast your way out when the police arrive. Here's the catch though, if you die, you start back at the beginning to select your arsenal.
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