Wednesday, December 27, 2006

afternoon delight

"Thank you for flying Continental, your check-in luggage can be found in a dumpster outside." Hmm, not a good reason to fly Continental. Still, the chances of that happening to you is slim about as much as dying in a plane accident. Although the majority of them seem to of happen right there in Houston. You know they're going to get one or two baggage handlers, maybe a supervisor but that's as far as it goes.

Sorry, when I think plane accident I remember George Carlin's ranting about airport terminology. 'Near miss' is not an accurate term for when two planes almost collide, it's a near hit. *crash* "Look, they nearly miss." "Ah yes, but not quite."

Now the shoe is on the other foot. I don't know what that means or if it even applies. It sounds like it does. Men getting stalked by a rapist. Ha! Hmm, Texas isn't getting a lot of good PR now is it? First with dumping luggage, now a gay rapist. Thank goodness I moved to Indiana.

Now parents of slained soldiers want to go to Iraq. I say good, give them a rifle and let them serve a year there too. The fighting there is far from over, there's no way to guarantee their safety. I can't believe that US government is going to allow this, it'll be a PR nightmare when the first parent dies in a roadside bombing. 'Mother goes the same way her son did' the headlines will read. Oh well, free country and all.

When blogging goes bad.

Nuff said.