Wednesday, December 13, 2006

you go first

OK, I've been trying to figure this out for awhile. It started about a month ago (I know, that's a long time to keep this in!) when I went with some friends to go see Superman Returns at the IMAX. Yes I'd seen it already on opening weekend but the IMAX experience is its own trip. I won't get into the physics behind how to make things appear 3D but suffice to say you have to wear the glasses at certain portions of the movie that are "enhanced" and take them off when it's not. To let the audience know when a 3D section is coming up, there's a little pair of glasses that'll flash at the bottom of the screen. Put glasses on. "Ah, nice. 3D." Then another pair of glasses will flash again when you have to take them off. The thing is, everyone did it. There was not a single person in the theatre that didn't put their glasses on. I looked around. And we had the fortune of watching it with the FFA (Future Farmers of America) so probably not the kids that'll make breakthroughs in the field of physics or chemistry.
I was amazed that this was one of the few things that everyone obeys without question. I know that a majority of this reason is because people are focused on one thing, the screen. Still, I missed one of the flashing indicators but was able to tell because everyone else was doing it.
So the glasses everyone understands and obeys, but other things that fall in the same category people don't follow. "Don't stare into the sun." Yup, I was one of those kids that liked to stare at the bright thing and did so on many occasions. Signs on the road, "Merge Left" oh well that's not for me, I'll continue on this part of the road. When everyone else around you is merging left there's still one person that'll keep going down at a faster rate of speed then brake really, really hard, and get stuck in that lane until someone let's them in which in turns screws everyone up because instead of travelling at a steady rate, they're coming in from a complete stop.
In that instance, I will purposely block them in or not let them in. I've been known to let complete strangers take out a few of those orange cones. It's not that I'm hateful (OK, maybe a little) but I'm looking out for the good of rest of the people behind me. Just because you're retarded and can't understand MERGE LEFT doesn't mean that everyone else that can has to suffer. Now what I do sometimes is just mean, but when I'm trying to block them if they want it badly enough they can accelerate and try to beat me. I just make them work for it, but if they run into the concrete barrier hey legally speaking I was in my lane and it was all their fault. I just hope that retard didn't have time to procreate.
So back on the subject, why is that one of the few things we obey? There's so many other things that are in the same category but we can't seem to follow them as religiously as put glasses on. Don't stick hand in paper shredder. Uh, why not? Oh, because it makes an ouchie! Doors that are labelled with those helpful tips like "PUSH" or "PULL" that people just can't understand. Or this one, which I'm guilty of "Dry-clean only." To be honest though, it was in my youth and I learned from it and haven't done it since.


damned_cat said...

and then there are the ones you wish people would read and obey, like "for best results, squeeze toothpaste tube from bottom."

hehe, the word verification code is "zowpo."


Dan said...

and flatten as you go up. you forget the second most important part of that block of instruction.

zeb, this is my favorite commercial even though i don't like the product.

damned_cat said...

aw sht, can't access it from work.

Dan said...

google 'twist to open commercial' unless the site is blocked.