Hounddog" premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Now it starred 12-year old Dakota Fanning, but what's getting all the attention is one scene in particular. There is a scene where Fanning's character, Lewellen, is raped by a teenage boy. If I read the description correctly it was done tastfully and suspenseful. What gets me up in arms is groups like the Catholic League that get all huffy and puffy
without ever seeing the film. Yeah, rape is bad. Rape is really, really bad. Should it in a film? Depends, what's the film about? Oh, a rape victim? Yeah, that's kind of important to the storyline. Dumbasses. "Oh, we think Ms. Fanning may have been exploited just like her character." To which I say, "Oh really? So you think it got past her publicist, agent, assistant, and her parents?" Now sure she's probably the most powerful 12-year old but the keyword is 12-year old. Don't tell me no one in that list I named off couldn't kick a 12-year old girl's ass.

OK, while I'm on the subject of people that should shot on sight. Just look at the
psycho. It gives me chills.
On the dumber side of news this morning...
amputee wants to become a firefighter. City says no, because he's got no left leg. While, yes, it is admirable for anyone that wants to be a civil servant, the pay is crappy, the hours are long, and the benefits suck. Still, there are things called limitations. Yeah they suck, but they exist nonetheless. Sure he's run marathons, he played football, but it's always just been his life on the line. As a fireman it would be other people's lives on the line, it introduces a variable into an already unstable environment. Now you'd think it would've been caught before the final medical exam, but the fire department doesn't screen for amputees just like it doesn't screen for mental retardation. There are limits that are inherent to all jobs. Don't bitch about it.
Hehehe, here's what I imagine the screening process for retards is. "Are you mentally retarded? Check 'yes' or 'no.' If you don't know, check yes."
remember when anna paquin won the oscar for supporting actress when she was something like 11? and then she went on to make a bunch of crapola? hope that doesn't happen to dakota fanning. not that she's won an oscar yet but it doesn't seem unlikely that it'll happen before she's 20. this has nothing to do with your post. but that's because i'm sick of catholic ranting about the Wrongness of Everything Under the Sun.
about the amputee and the FD ... wouldn't he just automatically fail the physical part of the application process? i mean if you have to pull 125 lbs of hose up 12 flights of stairs is there any way on earth he could possibly do this? if yes, then give him a job, damnit. and put him in charge of training new recruits.
here's the thing about the amputee issue. not that i agree with it but i do understand it. if he were to take a job at the FD as anything less than a guy that runs into the burning building he would effectively be taking the spot of one because he would never rotate out of that job.
i had to face the same issues when my platoon sergeant lost his leg but tried to stay in the army. there's instructor jobs that never have to worry about deployment, but their reasoning was that it effectively locked him there teaching instead of rotating out to learn more. another reason i hate the army so much.
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