Monday, January 15, 2007

don't cry out loud

Can you say, "OUCH!" I'm all for acupuncture but that is alot of needles in the head. And some of the other pictures are disturbing too.

This was interesting too. I've looked at my own charts and wonder how anyone can read a doctor's handwriting. Luckily I didn't have anything complex but it still scared me. I'm glad that someone came up with a feasible solution. Hopefully it'll be enough to curb the amount of error in the current system.

One of my passions has been astronomy. Since I was a kid and I learned exactly what I was looking at, it was fascinating. As an adult I took one astronomy class in college, I passed with a D. I understood the information and even helped other students grasp the concepts that were presented to us, but I couldn't pass the tests to save my life. Still, I keep a mild interest by reading up on the subject in my free time (or whenever I want to pretend I'm doing work). So to know that there are others like me. I think I'll check out the program when I get home tonight.

Pop goes the weasel.

See all the benefits of marrying a serviceman? Or woman in some classes. Sure you live in poverty while they're alive but if they kick the bucket you can roll in the dough. Actually, if they're killed in a combat zone, you can get up to $450,000 with half of it upfront! The remainder gets divided over the next 25 years, in monthly payments.

Whoa, is this just morbid? Or is it me?

For anyone attempting the GAR, here's a snippet. The debate on music and exercise.

The jury (me) is still out on this case. Kid is kidnapped for 4 years, the only way he was found was because the dude that kidnapped the first kid got himself another one. Well, I guess if you can have your own kids, just go out and snatch one up. *shrug* I need to mull over this one for a bit.

On a personal note, while this weekend was boring, I do count it a successful one. Not just because I got to log in over 6 hours on my video game but because I fixed my iPod. Since the warranty on it was expired, I can pretty much do whatever. So I looked up instructions on how to take the cover off. Just needed a flat-head screwdriver to pry it open. Well, for me, I needed that extra help so along with my flat-head I grabbed up my hammer. Yup, the fix-all. Nah, I just used it to get the screwdriver in there. Once it was off, I was able to fix the problem and bam! I can use my iPod again. Whew.


damned_cat said...

when i ran on a treadmill, i could not do it without my discman and some really asinine punk or eminem or chick power music ... but now i run on the ground, and i run with a partner ... there is no escaping my surroundings, my pain, OR my partner. ha. kidding.

Dan said...

run faster.

damned_cat said...

that's what he said.

Dan said...

great minds think alike.

about the pain. here's some advice my drill sergeant gave us in basic training. "pain lets you know you're still alive."