Wednesday, February 14, 2007

snow day

Well, it's official. I hate snow. Not for the conventional purposes but rather because I'm stupid so I'm blaming the snow.
There's some positive stuff from all of this, so I'll start with that. I tested out my new Army uniforms, the ACUs, in the snow. The cold weather gear worked pretty good. Spent extended time out in the snow and the cold, didn't really affect me too much. The boots were nice, they were heavy so my feet punched through the snow to find the ground below.
Now how do I know that the uniforms can withstand the cold for long periods of time? Well, Wes, his brother, and Bill and I all went out tonight. Made an appearance at The Fox and Hound, but afterwards decided to hit some country roads in his Explorer. Good idea right? Yeah, not so much. Worse though is Indiana's snow response. In Ohio and Illinois (states that border Indiana) they all have dump trucks with snow plows on them. But in addition to that they have the salt sprayers on the back. Makes sense right? Plow snow in front, salt behind. Makes for good times on the road. Indiana on the other hand, is a complete back-birth. Here's why. In Indiana, the law states that if someone slips and falls down it's their fault. Conversely, if it's salted, the moron can sue the state or the company, whoever owns that piece of property. Result? No salt. Brilliant strategy.
Back to why I hate snow. So we're on the country roads where the plows haven't touched the roads, and it's been snowing since 11pm Monday. There's a lot of snow, but also there's lots of wind so the snow doesn't stay in one place, it just pushes it down further. Now since the roads haven't been touched by the plows there's a lot. Eventually we get stuck, the snow is up to the doors of the Explorer and we're not actually touching the asphalt below, but we're on the road so that gives you some measure of how high the snow is. Wes and I jump out, we've got to dig out the truck and give it a little push.
There's a lot of heaving, lots of hoing and we break the truck free a little. As I stated before, the wind is covering up anything that we dig, so we're doing it in small steps. We're moving maybe about 100ft at a time, not a lot but enough to tire out anyone digging and pushing. After getting about halfway done (I didn't know it at the time) I collapse on some snow. I didn't realize it at the time but one of my jacket pockets was unzipped. Contained in said pocket was my keys and my camera. I got back up and we pushed some more, got free, and then I went to take a picture of our mess. Yup. Pocket open and empty. We tried to go back and look for them but the wind had pretty much covered up all of our tracks. I couldn't find where I fell down (and I did fall down alot) but I searched for awhile. Wes helped, Bill and Wes' brother were no help in that department, staying in the truck. So it's a lost until springtime. We're going to go back after everything thaws, might as well hope.
Well, obviously this was all my fault. I accept the blame, hell, I expected it. Thus, Bill had spare keys to my apartment and my car. Granted I lost my apartment key, mailbox key, Bill's place, Darius' place, my work key, my car key, and my spare car key. Oh, also the grenade pin (no grenade).
The snow is drifting everywhere, it is literally up halfway on my window ledges and was about a foot and a half on my patio (porch, or lanai, whatever). I also got my heat gun from Bill, so I'm going to freeze in my neighbor below me. Thaw out my entire patio with my heat gun. Heck, I can't get into work tomorrow, might as well do something productive.
I hate Indiana, the back-birth state.


Oberon said...

.....that black lettering is hard to read.

damned_cat said...

just like all the states that hold pool owners liable if a stupid neighbor's child scales your fence and consequently injures himself or drowns in your pool.