Friday, March 16, 2007

don't be a menace

Ah, just another fine example of why we should all have athletes as role models. I mean, who takes advice from an athlete? Well, besides for athletics-related stuff. Anyone that idolizes athletes should do drugs.

Oh. My. God. What the hell is this guy thinking? The Girl Scout Cookie Scalper... like there's a black market for this stuff. Although I'll admit, those thin mints are like crack. Still, I don't think I could pay $4 for them...

This sucks and I agree with them, but I really don't think that it's within the power and authority of the coroner's office to rule something unlawful and criminal. Is it? I thought that was for lawyers, judges, and law-makers to decide.

Wow. Talk about grasping at straws to sling some mud on a relatively good person.

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