Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I'm not saying that gay couples can't raise children, but what I'm saying is that former Gov. James McGreevey went about this whole issue wrong. He's suing his ex-wife for custody of their kid and child support. OK, first off, she probably does make some money. Six-figures and all, but shouldn't an ex-governor be able to make almost the same too? Or do ex-governors go back to their jobs as burgerflippers at McDonald's? Secondly, if you can't afford to take care of your kid (without the child support) then you probably shouldn't get custody. I'm not saying that he's not a good father (I really don't know) but he's a terrible provider. McGreevey, you should've just sued for custody because the child support just weakens your position.

Speaking of McDonald's, here's going a little overboard for $2.16. To be perfectly honest though, I'd do the same thing (except resist arrest and punch a cop) because it's not about the money. It's about the service and quality of food.

I'm no forensic scientist, but you'd think police at the scene could figure this one out. Story a) man hits wife with van. Or Story b) wife falls down chasing van. Umm, not to say that you gotta call in the FBI for this but those two stories aren't even closely related! The injuries wouldn't even be similar. Derr, she's got tire marks all over her back. She must've fallen down chasing the van. Morons. Service and Protect? Not likely.

Huh. I'm really shocked. Eric Schorling looks like he got the crap kicked out of him... by a gay guy. Ah, when hate crimes fight back. I'm still waiting for the first heterosexual hate crime. You know, where a gay guy starts belittling a heterosexual couple and then beats the crap out of them. Now that'd be news.

And WOW! Colorado, the home of the hardcore criminals. First gay-bashing and now stealing from Cub Scouts. Look out St. Louis, I think we might have a new Most Violent City in the US.


damned_cat said...

palolo mickey d's better pay attention. the people have spoken!! >:(

... well, the one crazy lunatic has spoken.

uh - did i read right? he complained that his mcdonald's food was GREASY? heavens.

Dan said...

*shrug* maybe it was too greasy?