*gasp* No! People executed under the law...suffer? Wait, wait, wait. Nope. Nothing. Can't seem to care about that. What concerns me is that other people care about it. WTF? Seriously?
I'm not one to stiffle anyone's freedom of speech. Hey, more power to you! Yes, the classroom is a place of learning, thinking and discussion. This guy is just a moron. "Oh, the school fired you for the Virginia Tech re-enactment!" No dumbass, they fired you because you're not doing your job. What the hell does gun-control or gun-violence brought on by mental illness have to do with your class, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING???? No, no, no. Connect the dots for me would you? I'm a college dropout, I'm not smart enough to do it. Yeah, it's a current event and probably will be on students minds for a long time (a few years, maybe 4?) but do you really think your FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING class is the right forum to push your own agenda? OK, it's your class, do what you want. It's their school, they'll fire you for not doing your job if they want.

I love these space pictures.
The stupidest thing was how he defended himself. Or, rather, failed to defend himself.
"Students aren't always going to agree with their professors."
Stupid lunatic.
I do believe that classrooms should be forums for debate - even that an accounting class can be forum for discussion on society, murder, empathy, etc. - but the breadth of his insensitivity was incredible. Re-enacting the shooting (even with a marker) to me was in exceptionally poor taste.
But then, I wasn't there.
most definitely classrooms should be forums, but it should still be related to the class. be creative, as to make it related. otherwise it's nothing more than a lunchroom table discussion. and yeah, if i was a student i'd probably enjoy a day off from classwork/lecture but it's not what i pay for. that's like have a mathematics class but the prof makes all the students swim in a pool for an hour. tie it in and its cool, otherwise what the heck are the students paying for???
i was thinking more on a therapeutic level, in the case of the VT issue. sometimes i have to interrupt math to let the class solve a recess dispute. "teachable moments." it teaches them simultaneously that their interpersonal lives are important AND that no matter how long the peer mediation takes, the math is still going to get done, so they better hurry the hell up and start talking. it usually boils down to "why can't we all just get along?" ... then again, i teach 5th grade.
also, i think that as smug as he is now, that prof is going to wake up one morning and realize he did a dumb, unnecessary thing.
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