Thursday, April 19, 2007

it hurt so bad

As predicted, going from zero to 7 miles a day hurts. It still hurts two days later. Of course it doesn't hurt as bad as it did yesterday but still! I must be out of shape. I'm happy to report that I've lost 15lbs (in 2 months, I'm not anorexic), what scares me is that I don't know where I put it and I'm afraid it'll come back at the worse possible time. I'm going to go try to run this weekend but I'm not promising anything. Weather is supposed to be decent so I might get some car maintenance out of the way. There's been some user abuse since the car's last checkup. The tires also need to get rotated and regripped. Plus with the impending deployment I have to find a storage place nearby. I should probably get an Indiana driver's license too, get the car registered in Indiana too. There's so much to do...
I wonder how much more (weight) I can lose on this poor man's diet. Hmm, I guess I'm proof of my own diet strategy. Decrease intake and increase output and the pounds just fall off. So now that I've found a happy input level and increase my output I can start to lose some serious weight.

You've got to love the 50's and their wacky PSAs. Apparently older boys are just a menace to everyone.

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