And what does being a Yankees fan have to do with any of this? I mean seriously, unless this is a PR move. Well, he was also a fan of Kelloggs Frosted Flakes but is that mentioned in this article?
Good. Good. Good. Finally, some legal protection for police officers. I mean, really, if a criminal can sue the cops for injuries sustained in the act of a crime what's next?
Well, at least he wasn't doing drugs huh? I don't remember this game when I was a kid. There was kickball, four-square, tetherball, king of the hill, tag, freeze-tag... no, no, no. No choking game. Weird. These wacky kids and their strange games.

lack of oxygen = good times? since when? i think the worst thing i ever did to myself (in the name of having fun) was cutting my own bangs. boy did i pay.
bahahaha. you got pictures?
*sigh* i cut my hair once. mom didn't do anything about it. let me walk around with my hair all jacked up for like a week while it grew back out. it wasn't the rat ate my hair, just that it wasn't even all around.
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