Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ding dong

The witch is dead. Hmm, I wonder where he ended up. Next to Hitler I imagine.

I thought I was making a dent in the road raging. I guess I need to do more to make the news. Got it!

I can understand leaving groceries in the car, or maybe keys, or maybe your briefcase BUT A KID??? Some people don't deserve to be parents. Oh but it was just the one time, well guess what? It only has to happen once dumbass.

I just like the headline.


damned_cat said...

so he had it in for gays, lesbians and ... feminists? OK then.

haha, he "shot" himself for a dollar seventy a pound.

having kids while stupid ... it doesn't quite have the same ring as "driving while black" but I like it.

Dan said...

hehe, i like that. i think i'm going to use "having kids while stupid."