Monday, May 14, 2007

i think i can

I'm tempted, but I just don't think I have the time. Is there a time limit? I think I'd be pretty good. Maybe, in the written word, not so much with the spoken. Never been my strong suit. Not to say that writing is either, but it's stronger than spoken.

Hmm, interesting. You'd think he wouldn't be in a position to taunt anyone. I assume they keep him in the SHU (secure housing unit) but I guess they can't censor his mail.

In a testament to hypocrisy, the Army has banned MySpace and several other social networks from soldiers in Iraq. People that are supposed to be fighting for things like free speech are restricted from those very rights. Huh. Think I'll get in trouble? Boo!!!!
To lighten the mood, there's FUBI internet cafes. For US by Iraqis. Lemme guess, a black guy came up with that.

Indiana's in the news again. Mom endangers kid, forced to save kid. I don't understand why they are focusing on the fact that she "saved" the kid. Wasn't she the one that put her in danger in the first place?

Is it a suicide bomber if the bomb fails? I'm glad someone is interviewing this guy instead of shooting him.

Mmmm. Everyone is recruiting, from the Catholic church to nudists. Apparently it's the "in" thing now. I wonder what recruiting tactics they're using. Door-to-door? That'd be kinda sweet. As long as it's like those two Mormon chicks that stopped by that one afternoon...

NOOOOOO!!! Studio 60 got canceled? Damnit! Damnit all to hell!


damned_cat said...

sorry, dude. but at least zach braff still has a job ...

p.s. the carlos challenge? not to be ignored!

Dan said...

yeah i know, but studio 60 stimulated the mind. so angry.