Sunday, May 20, 2007

ice box

I repeat: Babies aren't frozen dinners. There's no need for a microwave!!!! Oh, I'm sorry, it wasn't his fault IT WAS THE DEVIL! Yeah, I don't think they need to procreate EVER.

In the big city they call it a carjack. Hmm, what exactly will a locked door and rolling the window up do against a gun? That's just like covering your head in a nuclear attack. Not helping.

What's next? Schools banning textbooks because they may cause kids to think? Good job Texas, way to show everyone that you deserve to be at the forefront of child safety!

Jenny don't change your number.


damned_cat said...

huh. for a writing program, my kids actually had to write essays on whether backpacks should be allowed in schools/the classroom, citing pros and cons of both allowing and disallowing them. but since our neck of the woods is relatively safe, they cited reasons for banning them like "people could trip over them" and "teachers might give lots of homework just to fill them up."

Dan said...

i guess it just depends on the surrounding community to determine the threat of backpacks.