Wednesday, July 04, 2007

a bad day indeed

We refer to this as passive aggressive resistance in my Criminal Justice class. Hey I'm right there with them, except not in a dress. Air traffic controllers have tough jobs. If they make a mistake it means hundreds of lives. What other job has that? They need breaks and they need new recruits. Sadly, one of the civilian jobs that the Army says I'm qualified for is air traffic controller. Me, personally though, I don't think I could handle it. That's a lot of pressure! Oops, there goes a 747. Oops, there goes a cargo plane. That would suck. More so for those people than for me.

And it's not like I haven't thought of doing this, but I refrain from doing so. Teach those young punks about manners. I hope she says "thank you" and "please" now. See? That's a valuable lesson.

Not like this. What did you expect was going to happen dude? You told her to sleep around. Geez. If things were going so great you wouldn't have to sue, on the same token, you wouldn't have to have her sleep around to "spice" things up.

Is it just me or is the market value going down? That's kind of funny though. A traveling dentist with hundreds of teeth.

Doh! But he did the right thing. Unfortunately he's going to have to wait awhile before trying again.

More silly news about flying American flags. Well, I guess that's the US though huh? Yes, flying the flag is advertising. You're 'advertising' that you're an American, you're a patriot, and you're proud.

Have a safe 4th of July.

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