Friday, December 28, 2007

not a review

And it still makes me mad. Even though I don't think it falls into the category of entertainment, this was very entertaining. Although I wouldn't pay $34 for a Hello Kitty t-shirt. However, I would buy this Disney CD just to hear these lyrics that would make "any parent blush." Because this gift would really make anyone blush.

I spent this Christmas with my dad's relatives. Been doing it for a few years, every since I moved back to the midwest. We usually get together and do our thing on Christmas Eve. Since we're getting older and having our own families, Christmas is reserved for them. I don't have a problem with Christmas, even though I was raised Catholic I don't really see "Christmas" as a non-secular event. Yes, I'll go to Mass to celebrate the birth of Christ. But as far as believing that it is related to a jolly fat guy in a red suit that breaks into our houses via chimneys to leave presents under an evergreen tree decorated with shiny things and lights in exchange for some milk and cookies? Nope sorry.
The thing I hate most about modern Christmas is gingerbread houses. Curious? I'm not knocking the creativity or skill it takes, but I think it's just sick. Here's why. Gingerbread people. It's people made out of gingerbread. I don't mind that, I'll play with gingerbread people but then you make houses out of the same substance? C'mon, if we made a house made out of the same things we're made out of, well then you've got a house made out of people. Nah, I'm just kidding I don't have a problem with gingerbread construction.

Now that's a bit much for me, I'll make small purchases with my loose change. Maybe a CD or something, but a truck? Yeah, I can't do it.

Yeah, well, it's better than Optimus Prime. Although it isn't the worst decision made by people. More of those dumb laws.

This is probably something I'll end up doing. If he would've asked me, I would've done it for free.

Friday, December 21, 2007

it ain't over yet

It's over. First this, and now she's engaged? Damnit! Well, there goes the dream.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

tom sawyer

So the whole point of this is to have bloody sheets? Because unless she's using a fake name here, uh, I don't think anyone is going to find out that Aisha Salim the "devout Muslim" has smoke, drank, had sex, and lived with a boyfriend. Well, unless her family and her husband-to-be's family and everyone they know don't have Internet access and don't read FoxNews, then it's OK I guess.

The tipping point. I don't think that school officials did anything wrong, but my thing is, they better be this vigilant in other cases too. We can only hope.

I think the little retard knew what she was doing. Therefore, I don't think she's retarded. However, she did jump in the path of bullets... so I'll compromise, she's not very smart. Heroes rarely are.

Um, they tried this in Indiana a few years ago. It was ruled a nuisance. I don't really see this getting very far in California.

Either this is a murder cover up or she's just a bad shot. I mean, how do you miss with a shotgun? Well, if there's a way a woman will find it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


You've heard of them but rarely do you see them in print. We've had several discussions in my many criminal justice classes about these dumb laws. Now some of them make sense. I mean, in Florida it is illegal to have sexual relations with a porcupine. Makes sense doesn't it? I don't think it needs to be a law, but it is logical. What I wonder about it how these laws come about... is it because someone does it but since it isn't in the law books it isn't illegal, so lawmakers put it on the books? Or are people electing jokesters that put these laws in? Just find out how many "laws" you've been breaking. I've broken 14 "laws" in Indiana so far.

I'm less scared of a "Pinky & The Brain" situation than I am of just the fact that people are messing around with fear. That's not cool. Fear has been the best defense mechanism for hundreds of thousands of years. The mouse that doesn't run from the cat doesn't live long enough to have more mice. Same with humans.

Oh my God! It's eating the shuttle!

I don't know exactly how glowing kitties are supposed to help cure disease but I'm up for anything.

I see the logical in their argument but I would take it one step further and blame the lawmakers that made it illegal to consume those drugs in the first place. I mean, it's not like the police are out there just enforcing whatever they want, no, they're enforcing laws that are passed by legislation. Yeah! Sue lawmakers! It's not illegal right?

And the Top 100 Sexiest Movie Stars are... well, I won't go there, but I'll tell you this...
Jessica Alba is #4. Natalie Portman is #2. And the #1 sexiest movie star is... Angelina Jolie. Find out where your favorites are.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

hanging around

We call it "motivation" rather than torture. People are motivated to cooperate with authorities. I don't see anything wrong with it.

225 years. That's a little bit of time there. I wonder when he'd be eligible for parole. Not bad for a non-violent crime. Except for that meat he beat according to one of his charges.

And they still use the term allegedly? C'mon, he did it in front of a cop, how much more proof do you need?

That's like a million dollars!

How exactly does a flightless bird get up to a 3rd story window? At first I thought it was already dead but this makes for a funnier story anyway.

Funny story, but not as funny as I thought it was going to be. Like after being hit by the car, while still lying there he calls Guinness Book of World Records instead of calling 911. Although I don't think that people usually keep track of that stat, nor are there people out there trying to break his world record. It's not like the "How many people can you stuff into a phone booth" type of event.

On a sad note:
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why God? Why?

Monday, December 10, 2007

i'm tired and sore

This weekend we had a one day drill, which is normally reserved for a family-day sort of thing but was switched to January. So we did a day of combatives, MACP. Modern Army Combatives Program. It's some of the fun stuff in the Army, takedowns, submissions. Basically think UFC. There are no pictures because in my infinite wisdom I left my camera at a friend's house the weekend before and have yet to retrieve it. Plus, as stills, the training looks like something out of the Kama Sutra rather than combatives.
Still, as tired and sore as I am from the combatives, perhaps the most painful was the fact that I extended my Army enlistment by six months. I can't tell you why. I can't even believe it myself. I was two months away from being able to completely walkaway from the Army, my 8 year obligation was up and I was in the clear but now I tacked on six months to that. I'm in until 10 August 2008. Go ahead, call me stupid because that's what I am.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Probably the most awesomest show not affect by the writer's strike, which I'm not going to mention again because it just gets me angry. I loved it. Is there anything better? Honestly, I can't think of a single thing. And it's definitely not this.

Why are they being called to the stand? Well, there's a medical expert witness needed too, so you might as well call Doogie Howser. Sorry, I was watching the Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2007 and for some reason Doogie was there.

Well, he was a chemistry teacher. It's not like he had the kids cooking up the stuff. Ha! That'd be funny though.

How do you lose something that big? Really, it's not like he jumped in the back of a car and drove off.

Rehab. She does sort of look like she just woke up. Although I'm thinking she was on drugs because that's just crazy. Barefoot and just in a bra? Yeah. Go to rehab.

So what? Hawaii has one. Like that's a big deal?

That's one crazy cat.