Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Probably the most awesomest show not affect by the writer's strike, which I'm not going to mention again because it just gets me angry. I loved it. Is there anything better? Honestly, I can't think of a single thing. And it's definitely not this.

Why are they being called to the stand? Well, there's a medical expert witness needed too, so you might as well call Doogie Howser. Sorry, I was watching the Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2007 and for some reason Doogie was there.

Well, he was a chemistry teacher. It's not like he had the kids cooking up the stuff. Ha! That'd be funny though.

How do you lose something that big? Really, it's not like he jumped in the back of a car and drove off.

Rehab. She does sort of look like she just woke up. Although I'm thinking she was on drugs because that's just crazy. Barefoot and just in a bra? Yeah. Go to rehab.

So what? Hawaii has one. Like that's a big deal?

That's one crazy cat.


damned_cat said...

i missed the VSF show (again) ... that's one extravaganza I'd love to see live but have very little interest in seeing on TV.

i wish my cat would get stuck in a peanut butter jar.

Dan said...

i recorded it. but yes, i would love to see it live too. of course i'd like to know how to get tickets. i'll save you a seat next year!

and that's just a mean thought!