Thursday, January 31, 2008

simpsons did it

Darn, I was thinking about doing something like that (hypothetically) for one of my classes. OK, well, I thought it was a terrorist attack and that's what my paper that's due on Monday is supposed to be about. Of course it's supposed to take place in Indiana so that's making it like a thousand times harder. According to the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) there's over 8000 potential targets in Indiana which doesn't make it easier for me since I usually don't think in those terms. Perhaps this is one list you don't want your city/area on.

A special note for my favorite fifth grade teacher that didn't want to tell me what postsecret-thingies she send. That was probably a good decision. To be fair though, this story is about a fourth grade teacher. They're just a wild and unpredictable bunch. Unlike those smart, dependable fifth grade teacher-types.

That's one hell of a bill. Just because they cancelled their service? Wow! Remind me never to get on their bad side.

She certainly "took care" of those ferrets. Took care is in quotation marks because it's a reference to the mafia term. Obviously she wasn't sick enough to toss them in the fridge. Although I'm glad she took responibility for it.

That's a lot of water.


damned_cat said...

wow. somebody should tell that woman 5th grade's not THAT great.

damned_cat said...

they couldn't just give the dehydrated ferrets some water and vitamin shots?

Dan said...

a) i've got to wonder if 4th grade is that bad then. do you guys get paid depending on the grade you teach?
b) mmm, dehydration is tricky. you can go quickly from dehydrated to overhydrated if not monitored by medical professionals. easier to put them down or "take them down."