Wednesday, September 24, 2008

stuff doesn't always happen

It's a bit strange to say that "puberty" is consent and then turn around a call government agents a bunch of pervs for questioning girls. Accusing them of disrobing them and calling them devils. Hmm, methinks thou protests too much.

Boo! I like their old uniforms but whatever. People complain about those uniforms? Oh what grounds? It distracts from the game? Pfft. Let them eat cake! OK, seriously, I need to stop blogging after 2am, I'm not thinking straight and quoting randomly.

Call me old fashion, but isn't this false advertising? I mean, if I told people that I would "work for 8 hours" well then everyone would be correct to assume that I'd be working for 8 hours straight. Especially when the whole point is to work for 8 hours. So when Blaine says he'll hang upside down for 60 hours, well it's nothing specially if you break it up over a longer period of time. It's impressive and worthy of attention when it happens consecutively. I mean, I'll hang upside down for 60 hours. Oh, it's over the entire period of my life. Like that's impressive. I say hang him. Hang him upside down for 60 hours straight.

That doesn't sound good, from a medical standpoint. Although I can't really see this working really well.

Wait. What? As if a courtroom is the appropriate location for that. But you know, it's too absurd to be made up.


damned_cat said...

I can't believe you didn't blog about Lindsay Lohan being a lesbian. Come ON!!

Dan said...

not that big of a surprise to me. just like clay aiken. *shrug* not really news.