Wednesday, October 08, 2008

secrets of the very large

Wait, so if I get the tone of this article. It's other people's fault? His family is blaming the hospital? The general public? When the hell did it become other people's problem? I'm fat. I don't blame the old lady downstairs. I don't blame the hospital. "...he had trouble breathing and eating." Really? You'd think that being 990lbs that his trouble wasn't eating but rather not eating. No. Unacceptable. Fat people, don't blame others. You want to lose weight? Put down the fork!

Well, I suppose that's one way to get a vote. Dude, that's almost as bad as having dead people vote. I really wonder how many registered homeless voters there are. I mean, don't you need to have polling location? Voting on districts and what not. That means you have to have a residence, a home. You know, something that the "homeless" don't have.

This would've helped so mistakes I've made in the past. Of course I probably wouldn't have gotten a lot of work done either so it's a draw. Although to be honest, I don't think I could solve all of those problems in 43 seconds. Maybe, maybe not. It's not like I time myself on those types of things.

This is probably going to be the most popular sport ever. Jeez, and you wonder why the rest of the world wants to blow us up. Three words. Lingerie Football League. Brilliant! Damn, if only I was smart enough to come up with an idea like that.


damned_cat said...

So, are huge guys in shoulder pads and tight pants gonna be the cheerleaders? Hehe

Dan said...

actually, i think the girls that don't make the cut will be given pompoms. that's my guess.