Tuesday, January 13, 2009

back again

$3.7 million? That's a lot of money for um, yeah. Well, that's nice I hope they pay up front. Can't get a refund on that. Of course I wonder how one would go about to verify the quality of the product received. Ah yes, the answer to the age old question, "how will I pay for college?"

Not a bad idea. Ties into the story above, somehow. I dunno.

It is a good job. Not the best job in the world though. That would be to watch naked supermodels at said location. Well, about as great of  a job as I can think of anyway.

Well, then maybe the law should be changed. I think the spirit of the law is there, no sex with the students. Not just because it's wrong but because it creates a dangerous working environment. So as a teacher you can't have sex with a co-worker but you can have sex with an 18-year old student? Makes sense.

I just wonder what part of the deal wasn't honored. I mean, 100 cases of beer? That's alot, but was it the beer? Meat? Or cash? If it was the beer, was it because of quantity or quality? I mean, 100 cases of beer is great but uh, if it's a 100 cases of warm beer then I'm not interested. Same goes for the meat. $16,000 doesn't seem like much, but then again someone out there is willing to pay $3.7 million for a virgin.

Fat ass. They should or maybe more people should lose weight to fit into an MRI machine. What? That's not an achievable goal? What the hell is your goal then? Not to be fat enough that the fire department has to taken down a side of the house to get you to the hospital? C'mon, that's embarrassing.

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

Moving to Australia. See ya in 6 months.

verication: shnog
