Well, they make it sound so much more worse than it really was. She was arrested for hacking, not murder. The headline is just for shock value. It's not like she beheaded a small kid in real life. I just don't know how this stuff happens, and why choose beheading. That's just got to be the hardest way to kill someone.
Again, like it was a cartoon. Shock value. It wasn't a real life Bugs Bunny v. Elmer.
Is it just me or is the criminal justice system a little weak? 18 months for pimping. Maybe there should be stronger anti-pimping laws. I guess the song lyrics are true, "pimpin' ain't easy."
Now it's just pissing me off. Sure the headline mentions some of the points in the story but they're all twisted around. It says "Mexican Toddler Killed While Fleeing Shootout with Mother." Here's what I see: The toddler was Mexican. While fleeing, so probably running away. Combined with the previous statement, the toddler was fleeing. Shootout (something with guns) with Mother. There's a shootout with the mother and the toddler. Obviously the mother got the upper hand and the toddler had to flee. So the toddler was shooting at his/her mother and the mother was shooting back. At some point, the toddler decided to run and was killed. Right? Am I the only one that sees that when you read the headline?
I thought about spending my bonus money on a trip like this. Then I thought, well none of my friends could go so what's the point of an experience like that? I mean if you can't share it with your friends.
1 comment:
Dude, that Maple story story CRACKED ME UP. "His beloved avatar was dead"? WHAT? Am I missing something? I gotta go back and re-read. I mean, if you can kill someone in the game, isn't it designed for that sort of ... circumstance?
That tape thing, by the way, is so "Seinfeld."
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