Saturday, August 05, 2006


I had put off purchasing the Pinky & The Brain dvd, but I couldn't resist any longer. Digging through the couch for loose change, I came up with enough money to put my plan of world domination into action. I'm not exactly sure why I still laugh, but I am enjoying my dvd.
Are you pondering what I'm pondering?


Anonymous said...

at least it's not ren and stimpy. tell me you don't own ren and stimpy.

Dan said...

no. i don't own ren a stimpy. and what do you have against pinky and the brain? it's very informative. like i'm learning all the parts to the human brain. can't learn that anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

in 8th grade i lost the district spelling bee when i could not spell "parietal," as in the parietal lobe of the brain, because i had never heard of the damn thing. i hate pinky and the brain because it was created too late to ensure my world domination via the national scripps-howard spelling bee.

Dan said...

yes, i know parietal. i know it because of pinky and the brain. that and all those medical shows like doogie and grey's anatomy. see? television doesn't just rot your mind...
i'm living proof.