Wednesday, February 28, 2007


At first I thought 'Uh-oh. They're onto me' but I'm not a columnist so it doesn't apply to me. Whew. And you'd think that a proof-reading of the publication before it goes to presses would've picked it up. You know, editors and stuff. Right?

This kid takes the cake on childhood obesity and then eats it. Then he goes around and eats the other kids' cakes too. There's other factors to consider. The mother suffers from depression and I don't know if that has anything to do with it but it could be a form of binge eating. Instead of feeding her own face, she feeds her kid's and that makes her happy.
Now I'm going to tease the fat kid, because when I was younger (and I was the skinny kid) I got picked on a lot by the fat kid. He's a bit of a wuss too, getting picked on? He's a 5-foot tall 8 year old that weighs 200lbs. He could pretty plow through anything at that point. Although I guess to be a bully one has to be active and this kid is anything but. Unless you count the repetitive motion of raising food to his mouth. Oh, and this:
"People pick on us because of my weight. They call us fat. It makes us feel sick of the nutters always shouting at us," Connor told ITV.
OK kid, you know you're fat when you refer to yourself as "us."

Now I've got to say something about this because, well, I went to DePauw. Delta Zeta sorority on DePauw got a visit from their nationals, which is a big thing because if nationals have to step in you've got problems. Well, DZ has been falling short on their recruitment numbers. So what did nationals do? What any sorority national chapter do, kicked out the cows. Now, I love DZ, some good friends were DZ's. They were an interesting bunch. I don't think it's right that they selected people by their physical appearances and made them alumna just to get them out of the house. I understand that they weren't what nationals expected of members physically, but to cover that up by saying that they didn't meet recruitment standards? What the heck does that mean? So only the pretty recruit the pretty, right? It's all vanity, yes, I'm jealous but I can see its benefits. Of course there's its disadvantages too but a small plight to pay to be beautiful.
I support the outcasted DZ's. And I give them their props too, because I'm sure that the news stories about the whole incident haven't helped recruiting. Unless, there's no such thing as bad PR.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the distance

You know, I never went through any training for this. In fact, no unit did a training exercise of this magnitude for the first two years of the war. People are trying to make a big deal out of it. And not to diss the training but soldiers are given the impression that this is based on real events and strategies, which is it, but aren't told how to adapt. Us, we didn't know what to expect so there was no preparation. Instead, we made up the doctrine as we went along. Trial and error, but we knew that and accepted the fact that we'd have to be adaptive.
We'd call them Boot Camp know-it-alls. They'd graduate basic training and jump into an active duty unit, telling seasoned soldiers what to do because "it's what drill sergeant said." Uh, no, sorry kid but that ain't how the real Army works. I'd have a good time with it though, I'd let them fail and pick them up and then show them how to do it. Worked pretty good. They never mouthed off to me, thought I was an a$$hole, but they listened when I spoke.

You'd think that the guy in Florida could tell us. Although I guess he'd probably say no in order to keep his cover.

I remember when I was first told about the emergency radio frequencies. Yeah, they overlapped garage door openers and even could be picked up by certain walkie-talkies. It happened in the higher end of the spectrum. Higher end means better distance. Who wants a garage door opener that only works right in front of the garage? What is this? the 80's? Geez, I want to be a about half-a-mile away and open my garage. That way it's completely open by the time I get home. I can't brake twice in my driveway!

We Were Soldiers Once... and Young. Nuff said.

I don't understand the purpose behind this. Or why that it is even news. Is Strom Thurmond Al Sharpton's daddy? Or that the Thurmonds were once a prominent white, slave owning family? Or that Sharpton's ancestors were slaves? What? Why is this news? I'm sure someone could trace their lineage to a slave owned by George Washington. What's the big deal? Oh, Strom Thurmond wanted to keep racial segregation. Oh, well, so did a lot of people back then. Guess what? He was a politician, he says things that he thinks that will win him votes. What? You think that everyone was honest back then? That just magically politicians became liars overnight? Really? What's this magically fairy land that you live in? Just so I can get some grid coordinates to carpet bomb the place. Look, I'm not saying that Thurmond was right or wrong, but those were the times. The dude was born in 1903, into a privileged family. He was a product of his environment and upbringing.

Dam yo! Uz acting white wit ur str8 deez in skool! Well you know what? *bleep* them. Hopefully you'll be far away from that when all of your "so-called friends" are selling dope and get shot down in a drive-by. I guess you really don't need an education if you're just going to sell crack and attempt to shoot at people while riding in a car. Tell you what, why don't you get a headstart and go play in traffic.

While the kids might not be retarded, I'm pretty sure that the Social Security workers were. Good job people!

Monday, February 26, 2007

shook me all night long

You know, every year this place gets hit by a tornado. The name is fitting really. Dumas, Arkansas. It used to be Dumbass but a tornado hit the sign and the 'b' and 's' flew off but no one there knew the difference.

Well, I'm certainly glad Scorsese got one. He's deserved one for years. Lots of good calls this year.

You know, if it was about the Muslim faith we'd be suffering from another 9/11. So I think it's justifiable for some Christians to go ahead and firebomb some mosques or something. Go ahead, let the bombs fly. If the Muslims can do it in the name of "religion" then so should Christians right? Yeah, it's playground rules here.

Hahaha, sucks to be a kid now. Suckers! Oh wait, I still have to work till 5pm anyway. Damnit, they still got it better than me!

bust a move

Where do I start? How about complaining, then I'll explain things.

I hate sympathy, as a emotion and an excuse. "Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss?" Why is that? Why are you sorry? Did you do it? No? Then shut up. It doesn't make people feel better that you feel sorry, because what you are really saying is that you feel sorry for them. Well, that doesn't help, now I feel worse because of my mood has made you feel sad too. Great, it's just like anti-depressants. You could say, "Gee, that sucks. What are you going to do? Don't know? Well, think about it. Give me a call if you need anything." No sympathy, no ambiguity, just clear cut feelings and intentions.

So what's going on my life that makes me think about all this? To sum up in a sentence. My biological mother died last week. Big deal right? Well, there's a whole bunch of family dynamics at work. I know I'm supposed to feel something but I really don't. I took the weekend to ponder my next move. Family members have offered to fly me out to Hawaii for the memorial service. They've expressed their sympathy for me. Me. Of all people, me. I really don't think that they get me.
Family dynamics. Since my mom's death (almost two years ago) the family lines were drawn clearly. You know how many of her sisters went to her funeral? One. Out of three. And that one? Went to both, one in Cleveland and one in Hawaii. The one that went lives out in Vegas. One lived in Tennessee, her kids (my cousins) offered to pay to fly her out and arrangements were made. She declined. The one that I can't stand though is the one that lives out in Hawaii (my biological mother) and the fact that she didn't go to the service out in Hawaii. I understand she didn't want to get a flight out to Cleveland, trips from Hawaii to the Midwest aren't cheap. But heck she could've caught The Bus down to service in Hawaii.
Really? Yeah, I know my mom was a pain in the ass, I had to put of with her for years. Still, she deserved to have more of her family present than that. Of all the things she did for her family, more people should have showed up. You know, at one point or another, my mom took care of all of my cousins. And not the 'drop the kids off for a weekend' sort, but an extended period of time for whatever the reason (usually legal). My dad was against such coddling of his sister-in-law's problems but he took take of the kids.

Wes made a point when he said that it was my biological mother and that I should be there. Well, sadly, I barely acknowledge the fact that she is my mother. Just because she gave birth counts very little in my book. 12 year old girls are doing it, I'm not that impressed with the fact that you gave birth. What counts is taking care of a kid for 18+ years and raising them, instilling values, and teaching them right from wrong. That's a parent.
Let me make this point. A mother gives up a kid at birth or very early age, the kid is raised by two people (parents) and then said kid becomes a serial killer. Who would you blame? The mother that gave up the kid? Or the two people that raised him? Well, probably the primary caregivers. Yes, genetics play a vital part, but I believe environment shapes us more than we know.

My buddy Andy gets me though. Granted I've spent years around him. We think alike, remember your best friend from grade school? Where you pick up similar interests, both of you become a blend of each other and you can't really separate each other's personalities? That's me and Andy. There's not much I wouldn't do for Andy, up to and including pre-mediated murder. *shrug* That's just the nature of the beast. I trust Andy with my life, we've been through alot and it's all good.

So I spent most of the weekend thinking about what I'm supposed to do. I arrived at the same conclusion that I did when I first got the news. I'm not going. I'll go to Hawaii on my own terms. I can't afford to take however long off of work and plus, my Reserve training got moved up a week. I really can't afford the loss in pay and the chance for fire some guns!

Friday, February 23, 2007


I'm not exactly sure why it was necessary to blow up two CD players. The details are fuzzy. Could be a ploy by the police to flush out the suspects. I don't know, I won't speculate any further.

In another case where the "solution" can actually be worse than the "problem." ADHD drugs can cause heart and mental problems. Huh. I guess that's worth the risk right? What happened to ADD? Now it's ADHD?

You know, I don't have anything against cluster bombs. They're good peoples. Need to take out a large area of targets? Cluster bombs solve the problem. What I don't understand is why Human Rights Watch and the Cluster Munition Coalition are concerned about shoving hundreds of little bomblets into artillery shells, missiles, and bombs. Yeah, I call it selective reading. I just skip right over the UXO (unexploded ordanance).
On a serious note though, I don't like war and I don't like violence but all of these restrictions on what we can use and what we can't use in war is silly. The primary objective of war is the win. It sucks but I want to win. Don't tell me before a fight that I can't punch with my dominant hand, nor can I strike the face or below the waist, the side or back. It makes it more interesting but more difficult the achieve the desired results. There's a lot of collateral damage in wars, now cluster bombs or anti-personnel landmines inflict physical damage. What's not seen is what happens when a bomb kills a boy's father, now he has to grow up without a father-figure. Not as "bad" as losing an arm or leg you think? Who knows? Maybe in 10 or 20 years that kid grows up to be a bomb maker and detonates a nuke in L.A. (thanks 24) now that's a lot of collateral damage. From one bomb that did kill its intended target.
There's more, but sadly, I've got to get to work.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

glory of love

This is why you don't play porn movies loud. Although I'm sure that his heart was in the right place. Trying to be a knight in shining armor and all. That's good right? But a sword? Eh, whatever you've got handy.

I'm glad she got her sentence reduced. McMissile is a cool nickname, although I don't think she'd agree. She got two years this (initially). So we'll use a little logic. Throwing ice at someone from a moving vehicle is the same (in the eyes of the justice system) as locking up 11 kids in cages. Right? Both got the same sentence, different crimes. You know, I bet you that the people she threw ice at were white, probably rich too. Yeah, I say crackdown on the lesser crimes, but was this case a real crime? *gasp* She threw ice at me! It'll take a few minutes for it to dry and after that it's not even going to be noticeable! That's really worth the death penalty there. What happened to no harm, no foul?

Anyone can be a cyberbully. Well, I guess not real bullies because they're illiterate and dumb and can't type. Although I've seen lots of times where that doesn't even matter. dats cos it dont pay 2 learn 2 tpye i right lik i talk cos im street yo! Uh-huh. Well good luck.

I bet you this autistic girl types better than those cyberbullies. She's got an excuse, but them? Maybe they're autistic too. That's not cool to make fun of them.

I'm not knocking the baby, parents or medicine. What they did was practically a miracle. But a 22 week pregnancy? Seriously, something is wrong with the world if people are having kids fricking 18 weeks pre-mature.

Well dang Cletus, them city-folks sure are skinny. Ah, that's why I'm fat. Because of where I live. That makes sense. It does actually, I wasn't being sarcastic. Also, I tried that new Cheesy Bread Pizza from Dominos last night. Let me tell you, that thing is choke full of fat. Back to the article, there's lots of good tips and information linked to it. Pay close attention to this article. I like it because it's written in a style I like.

I had a theory once about the method of studying exoplanets. They use the Doppler shift of a star to estimate that first, there is a planet orbiting the star, then its size. Great for large objects in space, but who exactly do you distinguish Earth and its orbit from say, Jupiter, or Mercury? You can't, because they do overlap each other and without additional data you're making a very educated guess.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Some good news. Here's 12 steps to curing your email addiction. Now if only there was a 12-step program to cure blogging so dang much.

Haha, when I read this article all I kept thinking about was that Simpsons episode where Homer becomes a truck driver. He falls asleep at the wheel but the truck keeps driving itself. All 18-wheelers have this "Auto-Driver." Now we're testing such a device. Cool stuff, now I can fall asleep behind the wheel or the computer can be my designated driver. No more DUIs for me!

Not that it isn't a good idea, but I remember in school when my teachers told me that I couldn't just criticize an idea without replacing an idea. I think these people need to figure out another name or something. You can't just drop "Confederacy" from "The Musuem of the Confederacy." If you did, you'd have "The Musuem of the" and that doesn't make much sense. Well, it doesn't make sense to us carpetbaggers at least.

The health craze continues. And Man's best friend saves friend. And this doesn't help her case in a custody battle, does it?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

you spin me round

You know, in Iran he probably would've gotten a pat on the back. Here though, it's a triple homicide. I mean obviously it's the logical response right? Rooted in thousands of years of religion and tradition. I bet they didn't disrespect him afterwards.

She is woman, hear her roar. See? Some good news. Ha, and the dead dude's accomplice gets charged with felony murder. I tell you, Indiana's got some messed up laws. It's all good, 2nd Amendment and all.

This is a sad story, but a lesson can be learned from all of this. I mean, when I was a kid, my parents taught me (the hard way) not to stand behind the car when it started up. Heck, I do it still to this day. If I'm not inside of it, I'm either behind something or on the side of the car. Still, you know who should be charged with a crime? The parents. I mean, what the hell are you doing using your 10 year-old as a remote starter? They probably won't get more than 2 years.

Ah, you got to love dumb racists. I could go through all of the steps that would've made the crime more successful but nah, I enjoy a good laugh. Instead, the cops think that robbery and arson may be the cause of a the two-alarm fire. Well, I can tell you this much, robbery wasn't the cause of the fire. Arson though... let me think about it. Yeah, I think that was the cause for the fire. I don't have a Ph.D in forensic science but I do have eyes and common sense. Now I can't tell you who started the fire, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't accidental.

Cool! Maybe I can have a disability now! Maybe a handicap placard for my car? The Internet addiction is a cool disease. Is everything a disease? I use the Internet, alot, not because I'm addicted but because I'd rather be doing this instead of working. Maybe I'm addicted to TV? I should collect disability for it too.

Monday, February 19, 2007

holy crap

JESUS! Apparently he lives in Florida. I'm not kidding, this guy thinks he's Jesus. Jesus is Puerto Rican. The funniest thing is his nickname. "Daddy." ??? Ai Papi!

The guy killed two police officers. Nothing funny about that. The guy should get the death penalty. But the picture of this guy is so bad. I mean, the guy is wearing telescopes for glasses. Holy cow, he must be freaking blind. I'd be a cop-killer too if I had to wear those things.

Apophis is coming to destroy the Earth, just like the TV show Stargate SG-1. It was actually named by two fans. You know, we've known about Apophis for like 2 years (at least I've known). I read it in an astronomy magazine. So why is it the UN's business? What is the UN going to do? Write it a letter? Yeah, that'll save the Earth. Hey, I got an idea! What if we made us a bunch of superheroes? They could fly into space and divert the asteroid themselves. That'd be a lot cheaper and probably more effective. Actually, we won't know Apophis will collide (for certain) with us until 2026 or something.

tainted love

Deep Thoughts

I disagree with the Intelligent Design theory. I think I have good reason too. It supports the idea of intelligent cause and secular belief. Now I’m assuming (please tell me if I’m wrong) that by intelligent cause they mean God. It’s a secular term for God. Right off the bat there’s a contradiction, unless they mean us when they say intelligent cause. I sure wish I believed in intelligent design theory when I was growing up because I would’ve willed myself to be a little bit taller and a lot less bald. Maybe if I concentrate really, really hard I can make that happen.
There are some things that I agree with in the declaration. Yes, science should be secular in their exploration. Therefore, Intelligent Design is automatically disqualified. It’s not science. Science doesn’t just disregard data because it doesn’t fit their theory like Intelligent Design does. All the problems and bad people in the world stem from the fact that they believe in Darwinian evolution? That might explain Oklahoma, but what about the warlords in Darfur? I don’t think anyone sat down with them and explained Darwinian evolution to them to make them do the things they do.
So where does that leave us? Do I think that God made me and put me where I am at this point in the space/time continuum? Not exactly, I believe in free will. Does God have a purpose for me? I don’t know, I don’t think anyone knows. For all we know, God made me just to take up space. Yes, I believe that the small things influence bigger things in life, the world, and the universe. Just like distant things influence things here on Earth.
I like the theory of evolution, it can explain things better and doesn’t place blame on God like Intelligent Design does in a roundabout manner. Now I don’t mind when an athlete thanks God for a victory, but I bear in mind the fact that if that’s so, then God is also responsible for the opponent for losing. You can’t have a winner without a loser. Why does God get credit for one and not the other? Losing is not necessarily bad, but God doesn’t get credit for that. So is losing one of the exploits of the devil? No, I don’t think so. Evolution would just say that the athlete that won was better suited to win than his opponent. Can’t argue there. ‘What if the guy that lost was tempted by the devil by alcohol and extra-martial sex?’ And the would-be winner wasn’t? Well, you’ve got free will. He could’ve said no, but his genetics and his upbringing told him otherwise and he said yes. Again, the winner was better suited to win.
So if there was an Intelligent Cause behind the creation of the planet and human life, then I’d say that there are some major flaws and almost contradict the term “intelligent.” What would be behind the purpose of child molesters, people that lock kids in cages, or people that talk in movie theaters? The whole balance thing? Really? Child molesters? I don’t think the world would be lacking anything if there weren’t any child molesters around. I’m just saying that it’s completely unnecessary. Same with the people that lock kids in cages “for their own good” and force them to defecate on themselves. Now theater talkers I just threw in there because it was on the show Firefly and I thought it would be funny. They really don’t serve a purpose, and don’t tell me to show how evil man can be because no one needs the evidence. For example, I don’t need evident to show me that having a big rock falling on me sucks because I know that if I wear blood on the outside of my body it usually is a bad thing. I learned that from the smaller things like papercuts.
I don’t know though, I like a happy medium answer where God set things in motion a long time ago (15 billion years or so from our perspective). I can swallow that more than *poof* the Earth. *poof* the sky. *poof* the oceans. *poof* Man. That’s just lazy, now setting something in motion 15 billion years ago is something more along God’s style.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

video killed the radio star

There's all sorts of things wrong with this story. I don't know if it's because it's late but it's just hilarious. Let's start off with the fact that this guy went out the way I live. In front of the TV. That's cool. Natural causes, can't complain about that. This guy has thrown off ratings since December 2005. I'm guessing he didn't change channels that much. I wonder what channel was on. And why was he watching TV? He was blind! OK, maybe he wasn't watching TV but listening to it. There's still a better medium for that and it's called radio. It must be late, I'm laughing at the weirdest things now.

Friday, February 16, 2007

don't know why

That's it? A two-year sentence? So I could lock up 11 kids and force them to sleep in boxes, and all I'd get is two years? Maybe it's two years in a box? No bathroom? That'd be cool with me. Otherwise that's not cool.

See? Cigarettes can kill people in other methods than second-hand smoke. Although I'd like to explore the fact that these are country bumpkins that killed themselves. Maybe if they'd been less retarded they wouldn't have died. It's good to have a fire escape plan. Isn't that what we learned in elementary school? Stay low, get out, go to a neighbor's house and call the fire department.

Really? Revenge? She's a 49yo homeless woman. I'm sure God smitted her enough that lighting her on fire was just cruel.

Wow. Had be done this is the good ol' US of A, he'd just be another billionaire driving around. Not that I'm condoning what he did, but maybe we should follow China's example. I think that'd certainly curb big business.

This is a real news story. Granted it makes me sad because it reminds me of a Grey's Anatomy episode. Cristina's case was a young boy that was in for his 3rd heart transplant. The mom was overly excited, praising God and what not. The kid on the other hand was sad and depressed; rightly so because he knew that for him to get a heart that meant that another kid his age had to die. So really the mom was hoping that someone else's kid died, which just isn't cool.

Dodos live in Kansas. Ah, Kansas. OK, I get the "Intelligent Design" thing. That's cool. I don't agree with it, but that's for another time. What I don't get is this paragraph:
John Calvert, a retired attorney who helped found the group, accused the board of promoting atheism. And Greg Lassey, a retired Wichita-area biology teacher, said the new standards undermine families by "discrediting parents who reject materialism and the ethics and morals it fosters."

How does evolution relate to materialism? Or the ethics and morals it fosters? Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that the theory of evolution is the root of all of our problems in society??? Uh-oh. There's going to be a huge crime wave in Kansas now that they're teaching it in schools! Watch out!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

snow patrol

Well, after two days of working from home I'm finally back in the office. Yes, it snowed. Badly? Not really. Like I said before, Indiana is a back-birth. This morning I drove into work; Stacy did a good job of digging herself out of the snow drift we were in. Yeah I had to clear out some of the snow from the front tires but she did most of the work. She had to plow through about four feet of snow about a foot high. I had backed her into the parking space so she had an easier time because she's front-wheel drive (or as Bill calls it, wrong-wheel drive). My only real worry was the fact that I was that the speedometer read 50mph (in 2nd gear) and I had travelled about an inch or two. This is the only time I love manual transmission in the snow. Automatics have all those fancy gadgets like ABS or traction control, but Stacy has good ol' horsepower. She don't have alot of it but what she does have goes straight to the tires, good torque and thus, able to dig herself out.

Huh. You can get salmonella from peanut butter. Nothing is safe anymore. Is nothing sacred? Oh well, only 300 cases in 39 states. That's pretty good odds of not getting it. Plus, I don't usually eat peanut butter.

Stupid brain. Yeah, there's brain activity associated with love. I'd like to think there's something more than just that. Eh, who knows. I wouldn't cry though.

Switching to a political gear. I really don't think it matters that Obama smokes a cigarette. Yeah, it's not really healthy but so? Unless he's influenced by tobacco and tobacco product makers, I don't think it matters. I'm addicted to driving my car but no one talks about that. Why is that? There's viable supplements to oil-base fuel but the "oil industry" is halting our progress. Uh, not really. The economics of switching millions of vehicles to a completely different method of propulsion is daunting. I mean, there's cars from the 70's still being used as daily drivers.
Sorry, I don't know how I got on this topic. I've been pricing out how much it would cost for me to get a new engine and I'm at the upwards limits of $10,000 because age is a factor. New wires, new harnesses, new transmission, and exhaust. All of that makes for a pricey change. So let's say there's a million cars and to convert each of them costs $5,000. That's 5 billion dollars. Now there's more than a million cars out there and it'll cost more than $5,000 to covert. Yes, new cars could be built that way but a majority would need to be coverted. We're not even talking about infrastructure yet either. Gas stations would need to be converted, new holding tanks and delivery methods. What about upkeep and maintenance? There's training that has to go along with it too, that's not going to be cheap.

OK, enough ranting. Especially about serious issues. I really don't know how I got from smoking to the electric engine. *shrug* One of life's mysteries.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

snow day

Well, it's official. I hate snow. Not for the conventional purposes but rather because I'm stupid so I'm blaming the snow.
There's some positive stuff from all of this, so I'll start with that. I tested out my new Army uniforms, the ACUs, in the snow. The cold weather gear worked pretty good. Spent extended time out in the snow and the cold, didn't really affect me too much. The boots were nice, they were heavy so my feet punched through the snow to find the ground below.
Now how do I know that the uniforms can withstand the cold for long periods of time? Well, Wes, his brother, and Bill and I all went out tonight. Made an appearance at The Fox and Hound, but afterwards decided to hit some country roads in his Explorer. Good idea right? Yeah, not so much. Worse though is Indiana's snow response. In Ohio and Illinois (states that border Indiana) they all have dump trucks with snow plows on them. But in addition to that they have the salt sprayers on the back. Makes sense right? Plow snow in front, salt behind. Makes for good times on the road. Indiana on the other hand, is a complete back-birth. Here's why. In Indiana, the law states that if someone slips and falls down it's their fault. Conversely, if it's salted, the moron can sue the state or the company, whoever owns that piece of property. Result? No salt. Brilliant strategy.
Back to why I hate snow. So we're on the country roads where the plows haven't touched the roads, and it's been snowing since 11pm Monday. There's a lot of snow, but also there's lots of wind so the snow doesn't stay in one place, it just pushes it down further. Now since the roads haven't been touched by the plows there's a lot. Eventually we get stuck, the snow is up to the doors of the Explorer and we're not actually touching the asphalt below, but we're on the road so that gives you some measure of how high the snow is. Wes and I jump out, we've got to dig out the truck and give it a little push.
There's a lot of heaving, lots of hoing and we break the truck free a little. As I stated before, the wind is covering up anything that we dig, so we're doing it in small steps. We're moving maybe about 100ft at a time, not a lot but enough to tire out anyone digging and pushing. After getting about halfway done (I didn't know it at the time) I collapse on some snow. I didn't realize it at the time but one of my jacket pockets was unzipped. Contained in said pocket was my keys and my camera. I got back up and we pushed some more, got free, and then I went to take a picture of our mess. Yup. Pocket open and empty. We tried to go back and look for them but the wind had pretty much covered up all of our tracks. I couldn't find where I fell down (and I did fall down alot) but I searched for awhile. Wes helped, Bill and Wes' brother were no help in that department, staying in the truck. So it's a lost until springtime. We're going to go back after everything thaws, might as well hope.
Well, obviously this was all my fault. I accept the blame, hell, I expected it. Thus, Bill had spare keys to my apartment and my car. Granted I lost my apartment key, mailbox key, Bill's place, Darius' place, my work key, my car key, and my spare car key. Oh, also the grenade pin (no grenade).
The snow is drifting everywhere, it is literally up halfway on my window ledges and was about a foot and a half on my patio (porch, or lanai, whatever). I also got my heat gun from Bill, so I'm going to freeze in my neighbor below me. Thaw out my entire patio with my heat gun. Heck, I can't get into work tomorrow, might as well do something productive.
I hate Indiana, the back-birth state.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

get stoned

OK, I'm trying to get out of the rut of being bitter about the impending doom. Yeah, I figure it's because there's no one to share it with. So... What kind of lover are you? Uh-oh. Can of worms there.

Ah, love is in the air. And so is gunpowder apparently. I don't bring this up because it's a sad thing to happen a few days before Valentine's Day but because I think it's related to this story. OK, I might be stretching it but hey, it's more than what the police got at this moment. That's his motive. Vouchers for public school kids.

Kindgarten class is back is style. Yes! I sent the email to my boss and told him I would like to enact this advice immediately. Starting today I will take a nap at work! Ha!

Speaking kids, I really wasn't all that surprised when I started watching the video. To be racist, he is an Asian boy, I expected him to get a perfect score in the math section of the SATs. Let me know when the black 5th grader gets a perfect score in the Verbal or whatever the other section is called. That'd be news. Huh, 10 years ago I took the SATs. I fell asleep halfway through it. I was up late the night before. I scored a 11-something. 1140? Something around there.

Monday, February 12, 2007

next ex-girlfriend

Where do I begin? The impending doom that is Valentine's Day? Nah. Oh. How about the mundane things I did this weekend? Uh, let's see. Instead of being outside in the cold changing my car's oil filter for an hour, I opted to pay Wal-Mart $18 to do it. Also, it cost me 2.5hrs of my time. I did get some essential shopping out of the way as well as some non-essential shopping. Then I got a carwash from Mike's. $7 well spent, found out where water leaks through. Summer project is to re-seal car. That should help out during the summer. Ha. Sunday was a completely junk food day. I didn't eat health at all. Soda, chocolate, cookie dough, chips, and a Big Bad Double Cheeseburger.

I don't live in either list but at least I don't live in the fattest city. Hey, I'm getting better, except for a slip this weekend.

Sound advice from a urinal cake. Now I could rip on the fact that I don't take advice well, especially from urinal cakes but I won't go that route. Instead, I direct your attention to the end of the video where one of the phrases spouted by this nosy cake is "Remember, your future is in your hand." Oh come on, do I have to spell it out to you?

I've been saying this for awhile now haven't I? These people are quick like a turtle.

Oh, I also spent more money I didn't have to go watch Norbit with friends this weekend.

Friday, February 09, 2007

tiny dancer

Huh. I almost feel bad, but then I remember that I once was switching channels to old fashion way (channel up, pause, channel up, pause, etc) and I came across her reality show. Anyone remember that crap? So like a train wreck, I was disguised by the horror yet couldn't change the channel. The show actually made me vomit. Not the "threw up a little in my mouth" sort but actual flee to the bathroom photo finish kind. Granted I was sick with a little food poisoning but I still consent that it was the show. Makes it stick more doesn't it? I guess wishes do come true.

I felt good about our 6 inches of snow. To record I think we've had a total of nine here this year, but this is just ridiculous. Teachers aren't working, kids aren't learning, but I bet some people are just having a blast. My friends and I have this 'tradition' that whenever it snows and we can all get together we find an unplowed parking lot. Then all the funness begins. One SUV, one ski rope, and one sled. There's nothing quite like getting pulled through the snow at 20mph, colliding with curbs, and the possibility of cracking a skull. It started back in 1999 when Bill and I attempted this crazy stunt. Somehow I was able to locate every single curb and concrete parking bump in the parking lot, usually with my ass. We also used to propel ourselves into the chain-link fences. A few times we tried to do an uphill pull, but that always ended with us doing a face plow. *gasp* I just had the most brilliant idea (or a new way to kill ourselves). In said parking lots, we spend a little time building snow ramps before we tear up the place. Oh yeah, we're making the news and not in the good way.

I'm not going to make fun of autism because that's just not cool. They can't help it. Yeah, sometimes they do funny things but still to make fun of it outright is cruel. However, I'd like to direct your attention to the bottom of the webpage where CNN gives you the chance to receive "Related Topics" email alerts. Yes, autism is one of them. The other one though is for the CDC. And how exactly is autism a controllable disease and preventable? Unless we take one out of Carlos Mencia's playbook. "If you're Dee, and she's Dee, and you have sex. Your kid's going to be Dee Dee Dee."

Ah yes. Parenting. It's a subtle thing isn't it? I mean, if you ask one group, they'll tell you that fighting is wrong and try to resolve conflicts with diplomacy. Another group will tell you to stand up for yourself and toughen up. This mom though is in a whole different league. Ha, I remember getting my ass kicked in school, then coming home and my mom kicking my ass for getting into a fight at school. Apparently it was a two-for-one day. OK, she didn't kick my ass but she inflicted a good spanking.

Last weekend I had my Army Reserve drill. Sorry, battle assembly. Although we did assemble, it wasn't for the purpose of battle. I got to do my re-certification as a combat lifesaver. Sadly, I've actually used what I've learned in combat to try to save a life. Operative word in that sentence was "try." Batting average? 0-1. Anyway, there's been significant changes to the course since I took it back in 2002. Better or worse I don't know. It does focus more on the things that you'll come across in combat, rather than the civilian world so there's that. GSWs, tension pneumothorax, and that sort.
On the other hand, the training and presentation was developed by the Army. So there's a slide that lists the actions a combat lifesaver should take. Some are obvious, but some are for practical purposes, and some are just flat out stupid. "Return fire, suppress the enemy" that makes sense, but not usually something you'd do in that situation. "Reassure the casualty." Obvious. Then there's "Don't get shot." Flat out stupid. Really? You mean that getting shot doesn't do anyone any good? Brilliant strategy!
Another point of hilarity was when we were learning about the new pressure dressing. Yeah, it's cool and much easier to use (albeit complex at first) but I won't go into its application. Rather, the presentation of it. It was a short video where the guy that made it is demonstrating how to use it. OK, it comes inside of two packages to keep it really sterile. Got it. Oh, there's four notches in the package to facilitate removal. You can use your hands or your mouth. Then he shows how one would use your mouth to tear open the package. *gasp* Amazing! It was like magic. This next part I found incredibly funny. I don't know if it was because I hadn't had breakfast had I'd been up for five hours at this point or what. He removed the bandage from its packaging and said, "it comes in sandwich form." This sparked my interest. Like ice cream, it comes in a cone or 'sandwich form.' You could either apply it to the wound or have the casualty eat it, I guess.

I really don't know if I should comment on this subject, I feel some sort of need to say something. Especially since this is all going on in Massachusetts where gay marriage is legal. Well, more on this later.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

travelling man

Good news or information, whatever. Just in case you're ever in Melbourne check out a few of the restaurants.

And of course, more stupid news. Fat news. Fat stupid news. Stupid fat news. Read the fine print people, it says to be used along with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and exercise! That means, get off your ass and move around, and eat right.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

dip ahead

This is a real disease? Must be something new, or old according to the article. I guess people are just coming up with diseases to explain stupidity or laziness. "I can't remember people, I have a disease." Yeah, Alzheimer's. Oh, it's just people's faces. OK.
More laziness in the news. Fat kids. As a fat person, I don't blame a disease or anything for my "condition." I'm just lazy. My 'input' far exceeds my 'output', thus fat is created. Laziness just keeps effecting younger and younger people. Why? Because adults are setting the wrong example. I'm guilty of it too, but I intent to change. At least for the summer time. Hard to change during the winter.
TrimSpa and Anna Nicole Smith are getting sued by a fat chick. Apparently she didn't lose a lot of weight when she took their pills. "It's misleading..." Read the fine print fatty. Diet and exercise are recommended to meet your target weight. *gasp* You mean I have to get off my fat ass and move around? I can't just pop these pills in my mouth as I sit on my couch and eat two plates of lasagna? Imagine that!
And a tangent. He's completely heterosexual. Minus the fact that he's had sex with male prostitutes. Yup, a complete heterosexual, just a typical heterosexual doing heterosexual stuff.

Monday, February 05, 2007

in all seriousness

I'm not a serious person, or at least I don't take myself seriously. Not anymore. I care mostly about those around me and what can affect them. What is within their scope to change and effect.
I can't do anything about getting deployed again. What I can do though, is make it as good as possible. Yes, that means video games, movies, and porn. But it also means training. The kind of training that keeps people alive, the kind that we're not getting. It is hard to do it one weekend a month, two weeks a year. Actually, it's impossible. I spent days, weeks, months doing this training and I only know (maybe) a third of what I need to know. It scares me when I think about it because I know how I'll beat myself up if something did happen. They're cocky because they got through one deployment. Yeah, I'm cocky too for thinking that I know better, but it's not that I know better but I know that I don't know better.
Things like people exercising their First Amendment right, whether I agree with what they say or not, doesn't matter as much as getting whoever is shooting at me to stop. That usually only occurs with more force. And yes, I get pissed off when people think it's more important to look pretty than to train on how to use a weapon system or a radio. "Well we're training two people how to use them." Really? Two people? Out of a couple hundred huh? Well, *bleep* happens. Chances are slim that they'll be the two people hurt, but what are the chances that they'll be the first to that weapon? Hmm. A lot less than them getting hurt, so why wouldn't it make sense to have people trained on a machine gun? A nice looking uniform isn't going to help you fire more effectively. And yeah, being told how to do something is not the same as trying to do something.
Still, when it all goes to hell in a handbasket, I'll be there holding the line. By myself if I have to.

back up

Lots of stuff happened this weekend. Let's start with the obvious. Stacy hit 250,000 miles, that's a little scary. I don't know how much longer the engine will keep running. Sunday was a very important day, it was Natalie Imbruglia's birthday.
Oh and for the next year I've got to put up with the fact that the Indianapolis Colts are the Super Bowl champions. Stupid Bears, why did you have to suck so bad?
Also, the Army issued me the new ACU's, the Army's combat uniform. Pictures to follow next month. The fact that Army is giving out new uniforms, assigning new soldiers, and updating our paperwork is kind of scary. Scary good, not scary bad.

Friday, February 02, 2007

and the crowd goes wild!!!!

Groundhog Day. Yeah, it's not a link the the Bill Murray movie about repeating the same day over and over and over... and over until he gets it right. Actually, this year the hog predicted that we'll have an early spring. Global warming my *bleep*. Last few years have been weird. Snow in the mid-Texas region, snow in Vegas, and snow in Indiana as late as April. Awesome.
I usually like the snow, but I think it's the fact that I have to pay for a gas bill that has turned me off on the whole cold weather thing. This is the first time in 26 years I've had to pay a gas bill. Let me tell you, it's not pretty. My gas bill skyrocketed, almost 400 percent. It's probably normal, but I've never known. It scares me a little.
So more randomness. This weekend I've got my Army Reserve obligation. And of course there's the Super Bowl this weekend too. Get done with the Army at 5pm on Sunday has posed a problem. Do I stay in Ohio to watch the Super Bowl or do I just trek on home? If I stay in watch, I'll be driving 3.5 hours on the tail end of a 24hr day. Not exactly smart, I've done it before and nothing bad happened but it makes me wonder if I'm not due to flip my car into a ditch (or a church sign). Yeah I've been told I could just record it, but then it's not live TV anymore. I don't care so much for the sport as much as I do the commercials. If I stay in Ohio, most likely I'd spend another night which is fine, but I'd still have a 3.5hr commute to work in the morning. That means getting up a 4am to clean off car, on the road by 5, fight the city traffic at 8, and get to work. Stacy and I don't like traffic. Mostly because gear oil wears thin with too much shifting and it becomes a workout to get her into first gear or second gear.
We'll see come Sunday I guess.
Still haven't decided on a re-enlistment. There are several factors in this equation, even though it's a simple answer. Plus, I have to even consider if the Army wants a soldier like me. Headstrong, knowledgeable, and just a general pain in the ass. When I was on active duty, the re-up counselor didn't even talk to me before I left. I just walked in, said that I was ETS'ing and he signed my paperwork. Didn't even have to sit down. One year left! Yeah! It may be the last year I have to take care of snot nose privates and wipe the boogies out of NCOs. Or maybe I'll re-up.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

up on the roof

OK, because this turned out the way it did, it's funny. Plus I was watching Adult Swim last night (Futurama and Family Guy) and saw the apology, not exactly sure what to make of it. How exactly did Bostonians get this paranoid? Bomb scares? Really? Oh, there's electronics equipment with wires! It's a bomb!!!!!!!! Run away!!!!! Yeah it was flipping the bird but so? Not really telltale signs of a bomb. Unless the bomber's got a great sense of humor.

Here's some local Indiana news. You may not of heard of Eli Lily Co. but you've probably heard of some of their products. Altima, Cialis, or Cymbalta? Well, anyway, making it sound like a bad thing, Lily's profits for the fourth quarter dropped 81 percent. *gasp* To a measly $132.3 million. This was after paying a $500 million in a class-action lawsuit. Don't worry though, overall profits for 2006 was up from 2005, to $2.7 billion. Wait. Wait. Nope, sorry, not really feeling sad about it. Like Eli Lily making only 2.7 BILLION DOLLARS is going to make feel bad. Good for them, paying out half a billion dollars. They can afford it. Me, if I saw a 81 percent drop, well, I'd get paid about $81.

Just like when the price of oil was dropping because of the unusually warm winter. *gasp* And CNN Money was reporting like that it was a bad thing??? Wait, what? Gas prices go down, people have more to spend, do more things with said money saved, and stimulates the economy. So what's the bad thing? Oh, the oil industry doesn't make as much as they did yesterday. Instead of making $2 billion like they did yesterday they only made $1.8 billion. CRY ME A RIVER. I guess you can't fuel up your private jet today. Life sucks doesn't it? Go kill yourself rich guy. No, seriously. Kill yourself.