Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Some good news. Here's 12 steps to curing your email addiction. Now if only there was a 12-step program to cure blogging so dang much.

Haha, when I read this article all I kept thinking about was that Simpsons episode where Homer becomes a truck driver. He falls asleep at the wheel but the truck keeps driving itself. All 18-wheelers have this "Auto-Driver." Now we're testing such a device. Cool stuff, now I can fall asleep behind the wheel or the computer can be my designated driver. No more DUIs for me!

Not that it isn't a good idea, but I remember in school when my teachers told me that I couldn't just criticize an idea without replacing an idea. I think these people need to figure out another name or something. You can't just drop "Confederacy" from "The Musuem of the Confederacy." If you did, you'd have "The Musuem of the" and that doesn't make much sense. Well, it doesn't make sense to us carpetbaggers at least.

The health craze continues. And Man's best friend saves friend. And this doesn't help her case in a custody battle, does it?


damned_cat said...

that dog would certainly be my new best friend ...

move that museum out of richmond AND change its name? they still fly the flag and re-enact the battles with alarming accuracy, for gosh sakes. they ARE still confederates. it's a whole 'nother world down thar. a few years ago i wanted to tour the south but now i think i'd just be afraid.

damned_cat said...

ps that CNN article about email addiction ... 1) i thought it was a gorilla holding the PDA or whatever, and 2) i could go for weeks without checking email. i guess e-mail addiction is one neurosis i DON'T have. which is nice. good job scoping out good news, dan.

Dan said...

thanks. you asked, you got. can i go back to making fun of people now? i like that so much more.

email is an addiction for me. but i live with it. i go without it for days at a time but i need to be connected as part of my job.