Tuesday, February 20, 2007

you spin me round

You know, in Iran he probably would've gotten a pat on the back. Here though, it's a triple homicide. I mean obviously it's the logical response right? Rooted in thousands of years of religion and tradition. I bet they didn't disrespect him afterwards.

She is woman, hear her roar. See? Some good news. Ha, and the dead dude's accomplice gets charged with felony murder. I tell you, Indiana's got some messed up laws. It's all good, 2nd Amendment and all.

This is a sad story, but a lesson can be learned from all of this. I mean, when I was a kid, my parents taught me (the hard way) not to stand behind the car when it started up. Heck, I do it still to this day. If I'm not inside of it, I'm either behind something or on the side of the car. Still, you know who should be charged with a crime? The parents. I mean, what the hell are you doing using your 10 year-old as a remote starter? They probably won't get more than 2 years.

Ah, you got to love dumb racists. I could go through all of the steps that would've made the crime more successful but nah, I enjoy a good laugh. Instead, the cops think that robbery and arson may be the cause of a the two-alarm fire. Well, I can tell you this much, robbery wasn't the cause of the fire. Arson though... let me think about it. Yeah, I think that was the cause for the fire. I don't have a Ph.D in forensic science but I do have eyes and common sense. Now I can't tell you who started the fire, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't accidental.

Cool! Maybe I can have a disability now! Maybe a handicap placard for my car? The Internet addiction is a cool disease. Is everything a disease? I use the Internet, alot, not because I'm addicted but because I'd rather be doing this instead of working. Maybe I'm addicted to TV? I should collect disability for it too.


damned_cat said...

isn't there any good news left in the world? (p.s. your asteroid report put me off my breakfast.)

Dan said...

there's good news, but it's not funny news.

damned_cat said...

OK, I can see being concerned that people are "choosing internet over sleep," but eating? Just how many dummies does it take to eat a sandwich with one hand and scroll down with the other?

Dan said...

well, we're not all blessed multi-taskers like you.