Wednesday, February 07, 2007

dip ahead

This is a real disease? Must be something new, or old according to the article. I guess people are just coming up with diseases to explain stupidity or laziness. "I can't remember people, I have a disease." Yeah, Alzheimer's. Oh, it's just people's faces. OK.
More laziness in the news. Fat kids. As a fat person, I don't blame a disease or anything for my "condition." I'm just lazy. My 'input' far exceeds my 'output', thus fat is created. Laziness just keeps effecting younger and younger people. Why? Because adults are setting the wrong example. I'm guilty of it too, but I intent to change. At least for the summer time. Hard to change during the winter.
TrimSpa and Anna Nicole Smith are getting sued by a fat chick. Apparently she didn't lose a lot of weight when she took their pills. "It's misleading..." Read the fine print fatty. Diet and exercise are recommended to meet your target weight. *gasp* You mean I have to get off my fat ass and move around? I can't just pop these pills in my mouth as I sit on my couch and eat two plates of lasagna? Imagine that!
And a tangent. He's completely heterosexual. Minus the fact that he's had sex with male prostitutes. Yup, a complete heterosexual, just a typical heterosexual doing heterosexual stuff.


damned_cat said...

poor anna nicole - just can't stay out of the (bad) news.

Dan said...

publicity is publicity. no such thing as bad publicity. i'm learning that.