Monday, October 16, 2006

blame it on the rain or myspace

Obviously I'm at work, I'm here and also Myspace at the same time. It's great. Every once and awhile I actually pay attention to the other flashing things that show up on my page. One that caught my eye was the Featured Profile, Lip Sync Battle. Promoting stupidity and under-achieving. Great. As if the world wasn't bad enough already, we go ahead and support this.
And correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there already a winner? Has everyone already forgotten Milli Vanilli? 1990, they won a Grammy. That's pretty much the winner. Or how about the SNL debacle with Ashlee Simpson? Oh, I suppose it's wrong for "professionals" to do it but when amateurs do it that's fine? Even funny.
While we're on the subject, the term "artist" shouldn't be related to all music artists. Ashlee Simpson, not an artist. She doesn't create anything, just perform. Those type of people are performers, non-writing singers. When you write the lyrics or the notes, then perform them, then you're an artist. If you call them musical artists then you've got to include strippers. They do the same things as those performers and we pay attention for the same reason. Strippers perform their routines to music, they are musical performers but we don't think of them that way. Well why not? I've been witness to some that will actually sing too... Does that mean that she's a music artist? I don't think so.

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