Thursday, March 15, 2007

eye of the tiger

Wait. What? Look, I'm happy they imposed the death penalty on this sick f**ker. How is it a difficult decision? F*** rehab. I got a gun and shovel. I'll take care of this. I'll just use one of my vacation days to take care of this. Damn people. He had his whole life to do some good, instead he did this. Which is more than little Jessica can ever do.

So I don't know what to make of this story. First he gets caught for taking bribes. That's a two-year stint in jail. You got caught, do your time. Stop making up stupid sh*t to cover yourself. You took the bribes for "the people?" Tell me how that works. Then his lawyer asks for leniency because Callaway didn't try to disguise the bribes as campaign contributions. Well, that just means he's stupider than previously thought. So let's say all this happens, what the hell else can you do? Oh I know, set up one of your rivals on the council. Yup, that should do it. Blackmail too. "I stand before you today extremely remorseful, with a heavy heart." Callaway told the judge
Does he have a heavy heart because he's extremely remorseful? And how can anyone be extremely remorseful?

Awesome! People are sleep-driving. That's so cool, I don't even know how it's possible. Still, that's cool.

And if identity theft wasn't bad enough as it is with the internet, you've got to worry about your copier now too? Damn.

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

one of the jurors was only 20. i can't fathom sitting on a jury at the age of 20, recommending the death penalty (or arguing against it, for that matter.)