Saturday, September 22, 2007

to eternity!

Not to bag on her but maybe if it was like seven years ago this would've been a good move. Since then... uh, not so much. I feel sorry for Matthew Perry though. Getting thrown from project to project now. And it's just going to continue.

Wow! It's not quite the story about a lovely lady. Although being a guy I will admit that it grabbed my attention and I might be tempted to purchase that book.

We used to call it hazing, but OK. Everyone is getting all squishy, sure it's a good way to make a few bucks but is it worth being considered a wuss? He'd be the type of guy to trip on a crack and sue the city. Get over it dude!

I'm a cheeseburger. Yup. Me. Crazy. Up next, typing causes carpal tunnel syndrome. Then, a new study reveals that seeing all sorts of f*** up sh*t makes you a little crazy. Poop, it's the waste your body expels from what you eat!

I'd hate to be around him for the next week or so.

Just like Arkham Asylum (from Batman).

Well I'm sure the lawmakers couldn't conceive this possibility. *sigh* There's a reason they have those "oversized" routes that you're supposed to take. And those helpful little signs that say - 13'6 - on the overpasses aren't just suggestions.

Ah, this is why I live in Indiana. No assault charges, just the robbery charge.

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

i don't understand competitive eating OR this constant effort to revive britney spears' career. let it lie, people, let it lie.