Thursday, February 07, 2008


That'd be a sucky way to get HIV. I suppose it can't be helped, but as serious as this is I'm gonna laugh when I see those commercials seeking my money to help starving kids or HIV stuff that they're going to spend my money on knives and forks to help mothers feed their children.

So I wonder if I'm cheaper because I'm a fat smoker... However, I can see sort of where they are coming from. It's just that if they're "healthy" people then they don't need to be in hospitals. So I don't know how they can define the "healthy" in that manner.

The next time you get pulled over by a cop for speeding, just remember, he's human too. If you don't make any sudden moves or piss him off, there's a good chance you won't die.

Waa! I think it's funny that they just want to remove the image from the English version of the site, but not in the other versions.

Ha! The Allied win this war too! Yeah, it's not a war but we like to be competitive. Our veterans live longer too!

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