Saturday, August 12, 2006

several hours of enjoyment

Being a Trekkie I've seen all of the series, from the original with Kirk and Spock to Archer and T'Pol and everything in between. Plus all ten of the movies. Somewhere I have the movies on VHS at my dad's place, I own the Next Generation movies on DVD here. I finally purchased Star Trek: Nemesis, the special edition with the bonus dvd. There's more to any film than just the storyline. Yet nothing can really compare to the Star Trek franchise; not even Star Wars. Nemesis was written by John Logan (RKO 281, Gladiator, The Aviator), who at his core is a Trekkie and a screenwriter. This is like having me write a Star Trek movie, because he is familiar with the characters, the underlying themes, and the dialogue. Granted I probably couldn't do it in real life, but in my pretend life I could!
Yes, I like to pretend to be a screenwriter when I watch movies. The ability to deconstruct a scene and point out details is a strong suit. My secret is hours and hours spent on the bonus dvd, watching the behind-the-scenes or production sections. Also, I spend a few hours a day on, the Internet Movie Database where others like myself come together to discuss films, point out errors and just general envy of the people we watch on our TVs. If I could get paid to do this, why, this would be my very own "Big" movie. Except for really being a 13 year-old boy, cuz it was just an awkward time.

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