Monday, August 14, 2006

southpaw 4 life!

Huh. Apparently today is Left-handers Day. Did not know that. Well, I celebrated today by depositing my paycheck. It is in honor of research done saying that left-handed people get paid more than their right-handed counterpart. Of course I'm sure I'm the exception as always.
There's lots of famous left-handed people nowadays, well probably no more so than yesteryears but probably more publicized.
I remember when I was a kid, my mom used to hit me upside the head when I used my left hand to eat with or when I was handed something I used to reach for it with my left hand. Yeah... that didn't work out so well, I'm still left handed. What can I say? I'm pretty dense, apparently physical trama doesn't work on me. I can't believe that people believed that lefties were bad omens or somehow related to Satanism. Well, actually, in my case I can.
Hail Left-Handers!

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