Thursday, September 14, 2006

negative ghostrider, the pattern is full

Well, it's official. Top Gun (the movie) is just a memory. The Navy has finally retired the F-14 Tomcat. Tomcats were an icon of naval air superiority in the 80's and 90's. They could engage an enemy aircraft at a range of 100 miles, the sweepback wings were like something out of science fiction. And let's not forget the movie Top Gun. Tom Cruise as Maverick, Val Kilmer as Iceman, Michael Ironside as Jester, Tom Skerritt as Viper, Tim Robbins as Merlin, Rick Rossovich as Slider, Clarence Gilyard Jr as Sundown, Kelly McGillis as Charlie, Meg Ryan as Carole, and let's not forget Anthony Edwards as Goose. I mean, who never at least got teary eyed when Goose died? Me, I can't even watch it. The whole movie is just filled with memories, some make you laugh, some make you cry, but all of them make you wish you were 'a naval aviator.'

"The bet is $20. Of a lady this time, on the premise."
"I don't think that's fair."
"What? Why not?"
"Cuz, she's lost that lovin' feeling."
"She's lo... No she hasn't."
"Goose, she's lost it man."
"Come on! Aww sh... I hate when she does that."

Goodbye Tomcat, we will miss you buzzing the tower and making that guy spill his coffee on himself.


damned_cat said...

never saw it.


Dan said...


Trying to refrain from throwing something!
This is just something we have to correct later on.