Friday, September 08, 2006

shark porn

So I was up late last night. Not really doing anything except downloading Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" commercials. That and some Carlos Menica soundbites, like the 'Dee Dee Dee' song and dissing Kanye West. Of course the TV was on and I saw the most awesomest video game commercial ever! It's the Lego Star Wars Original Trilogy. It's the f***ing trifecta, Lego, Star Wars and video game. Well, I got my weekend planned now. Buy game, pop in game, and sit in front of TV. Whoever came up with that concept was a real Bud Light Real Men of Genius. Thank-you Mr. Lego Star Wars Original Trilogy video game concept comer upper!


damned_cat said...

a lego ... video game? having trouble wrapping my brain around that one.

Dan said...

me too. i bought the first installment at lunch. i'll let you know how it goes.