Thursday, November 30, 2006

yeah, uh-huh

Great, now I've got to learn how to say, "It's OK. I'm on the pill." Yeah, that's going to go over well. They said it combines high blood pressure medication and a schizophernia pill. Nice, so the dude that was taking both medications was like, "Huh. Something's different."

Texas Instruments might have a little competition. OK, so it's not pocket-size like TI claims, but dang, it could make a nice addition or subtraction to any room. BAC is cool. If you're wondering what BAC stands for, it's 'Big Ass Calculator.' I wouldn't want to take it with me to take the SATs which is why I'm glad I'm 26 now.

Ah well, if it's endorsed by an online media source, it must be OK to do right? Call in sick, even if you aren't. Put the work load on your colleagues that have the integrity to go to work even though they want to spent it with family. Nah, I'm kidding. I don't have family nearby and no one visits, so it's easy for me to keep going to work during this holiday season. Plus, my PTSD really acts up around Christmas. Ha, that just sounds funny.

Well, the weather forecasters or shamans, as they were referred to yesteryear, are predicting snow sometime really soon. Perhaps tomorrow. I'm not going into my weather prediction rant, just to state the fact that I'm looking forward to some snow. Of course I wish I would've installed my heater core prior to this fact but it can't be helped. Oh well, with any luck I can get install it this weekend in my friend's garage. The master cylinder will have to wait until friendlier weather.


damned_cat said...

a "mental health day."

me likey.

Dan said...

you need it?