Tuesday, December 26, 2006

get over it

Working in the intelligence community I often feel that the government is too "big brother" and imposes standards like wanting to remove a bullet from my head. Yeah, it's a real invasion of my civil rights. Uh-huh. Like going to the dentist. It sets a dangerous precendent. Again, yeah, evidence that may convict or exonorate someone lays logged in their skull and it's a bad thing. Illegal search and seizure? It's a bullet in a skull, if that doesn't scream pull me out I don't know what does. I'm sure this is exactly the situation our forefathers were thinking when they drafted the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Hmm, a government foul up again huh? Apparently the federal assisted school aid program needs working on. So if the formula used guarantees a minimum for small (population) states, how can it be that the small states get more than the bigger states? How exactly does that work out? Look, I'm not opposed to the fact that states that spend more on education should receive more from the federal government in this case. More kids, more money needed. Very simple. I'm just saying that this aid money shouldn't be spent on someone's salary that sits in an office all day stamping paperwork. That's not the point of the program. Yeah, administration plays a necessary role in education but this poster sums up my thoughts of this sentence.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The point of the program is to help kids that otherwise can't help themselves. Yeah sure I think it's an adult issue and the parents are to blame, but just because I feel that way doesn't mean the kid has to suffer.

Gads. The robots are taking over. Next thing you know, they'll want equal rights. Well screw that, if they get that advanced it'll be Terminator all over. Ha, if the robots download that movie and create a robot in the image of Arnold Schwarzenegger designed to kill us, that'd be irony.

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