Thursday, January 18, 2007

danger zone

OK, I'm throwing my two-cents in this argument. First off, I hate reality TV. Everything, from American Idol to The Real Gilligan's Island. Big Brother is no exception. It's not reality, it's edited, partially scripted and planned.
So the news story is about an Indian (not the woo-woo, but the sniper dot) chick that thinks that because some female contestants mocking her cooking, making fun of her accent, and calling her a dog, is racism. Again I say this, while racism is action it is more about intention. Action can be misinterpreted, like if a white person cuts in line in front of a black person. That action could be considered racism, but was it his intention? Unfortunately it's hard to determine racism because, well, people lie. We're too eager to find racism everywhere we turn. You didn't get a job, but they gave it to a black guy? Well obviously that's racism. Someone at work asks for help on a problem that has math involved? Racism! Just because I'm Asian doesn't mean I'm good at math. Computer problem? Ask the Asian! *gasp* Uh, no. I'm good with computers. Pretty decent at math too, up to Calculus at least.
So Shilpa Shetty, isn't it possible that the other female contestants aren't racist but rather just jealous because you're hot? The heartache of being one of the beautiful people.

This gave me a laugh because I recently posted (see below) about cell phone etiquette. And it did not mention answering calls mid-coitus, or sending out an email. You may think insulting, but I call it multi-tasking. And you get over it after the first few times someone does it to you.

Scientists say that going to Starbucks after a workout could be a good thing.


damned_cat said...

i wouldn't mock her cooking, i'd mock her last name. ceaselessly.

Dan said...

hahaha. it's a shitty last name.