Monday, April 23, 2007


Maybe it's because it's from the South, but damn those white people sounded stupid.

Talk about being pathfinders and trend setters. You think this idea will catch on? Integrated proms? Whew. I like one of the former student's comments, "We've always had segregated proms. It's no big deal. It's nothing racial." Whoa, whoa, whoa. Maybe you should've paid more attention in class, when you seperate people by race it is RACIAL. I wonder which prom the Asians and Hispanics go to. Hmm, I'd say they go "colored" prom.
*shake head* Seriously.


damned_cat said...

holy CRAP. does the confederacy realize it's 2007?

Dan said...

I KNOW RIGHT???!!! makes you wonder how many of them go away to college and just get shocked at the fact that whites and colored live in the same dorm! use the same bathrooms and even drink from the same water fountains! *gasp* say it ain't so cletus!