Friday, August 10, 2007

don't throw it away

The jury is still out on the bulletproof backpack. Although I might just pick one up for myself if they're big enough. Funny that "protecting" our kids is MJ. Michael Jackson. OK, fine, I'm going to ask my dad to raise my allowance so I can get one of these bad boys.

You sow what you reap. I can't feel sorry for the people injured, except the kids that may have been forced to go because their parents come from the shallow end of the gene pool.

Frick! Damn Nazis, they went back in time and killed a bunch of dinosaurs. Probably forced them to dig their graves and then shot them! I was thinking seriously though, wouldn't the any mass dinosaur grave site have oil? So that'd make the Middle East the "biggest" mass grave? Which we could then blame the Muslims? Are you following me? Tricky bastards.

Maybe the smartest guy. Or could be that the heat just finally got to him. $1200 to fix an AC unit? What the hell? You can REPLACE one for cheaper. Again, that's mostly all labor. You gotta check for leaks which is just time consuming but you can fix an AC unit for about the price it takes to put a conventional AC on your roof. I just can't believe that the battery actually runs the AC unit. Whew.

Indiana having more stupid fun, the Michael Jackson type. So a lawsuit probably in the millions, plus losing your job, is worth $140 to you? Good math, people. Must be the same people that do Wesley Snipes' taxes.

I guess I can see the stoner logic behind the arguments. Pot can help national security... you come up with some wicked ideas when your baked, of course the terrorists would just waltz on by while you're stoned but at least you have your ideas. Or are they talking about the paranoia associated with it? Maybe the paranoia is only associated with it because of the legal status which would disappear when legalized. $10 billion? That's a lot of dime-bags. Bigger than porn. Pot is bigger than porn? Study must've been conducted by a stoner. And how does one go about gathering such information? Going to dealers and ask them how much they make? Like these are the most honest people.

I say crack was involved. If you're mentally capable of discerning that you and your "wife" have mentally problems, they're not that bad. Didn't seem to retarded to get married either. Or retarded enough to have a kid. Although I admit that $1000 ain't that much for a kid. You know a healthy kid can go for upwards of $200,000 on the black market? Huh, maybe they are retarded.

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