Thursday, August 09, 2007

another day

Good stuff. That camp looks like fun! Especially the wall climbing! There's a place nearby that I think I'll check out next week. I'd do it this weekend but I've got to go play soldier.

Roar! She is pretend doctor, hear her roar. Although I admit that made a good point, I just don't think that too many will take her seriously.

Red is the new pink, or whatever. Not exactly but I guess we've accepted the fact that we're a fat group of people.

Woo! Talk about jumping on the bandwagon. A GPhone, a cool idea. I wonder where they came up with the idea? Or such a clever name? Whew.

That must've been one special flip-flop, but they still didn't retreive the damn thing? What a waste.

Not since Dahmer has a community faced such a threat. I guess that's a good way of getting people not to remember what you look like. Hmm, I wonder if that would work on robberies. No one would look at you... This guy is onto something.

Stunning Stuff!

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