Thursday, September 20, 2007


:-) is 25 years old? Gosh, I don't feel that old now. I remember when people used to end sentences with a smiley face =) like it was a punctuation. Ah, the good ol' days.

Yes, it's bad. When I was a kid I used to want to be a grown-up. Now that I am one, I almost wish I was a kid. Yes, I wanted to make my own decisions and I thought I knew it all (I still do) but my parents were rather strict on this subject. Now I have to face the consequences of my decisions and I don't have anyone to blame except myself. Enjoy being a kid, there'll be plenty of time to be a grown-up for the rest of your life.

Well, there's something to be said about this guy. Nothing good, but it must be one of those weirder stories a law enforcement officer can be involved in. Man, calls police to ask them to put out a press release saying they had seized drugs in order to cover his own ass with his "organization?" OK, sure, but we need you to come in for a full statement.

Crikey! This guy is a moron. I guess he'd be the type of guy to call the police about missing drugs. I'm disappointed that medical officials saved his life. C'mon people. A guy that puts a snake in his mouth doesn't deserve to live.

Bored? Well that would certainly break up boredom. I've got to wonder if he even used a weapon. Probably not, nowhere to hide it. He probably could've made some money from people if he just had a sign that read "Will put on clothes for money."

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

gotta post on that little girl thing.