Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Pirates. Arrr.

It's about time, those bastards deserve it. I say next time they use a real one, that'll show them!

Trample the cheerleader. Save the world.

Not guilty? Not guilty? How much more of a smoking gun do people need? I suppose there's a perfectly logical explanation for all of this. Here: The bird follows her home, puts its own leg in between the blades of a scissor and then cuts own leg off. You know what would've been funny though? If she cut off the wrong leg to get at the tag.

That's not a fair poll. It may have been if it was just about Halloween costumes, but presidential candidates as a scary costumes? Yeah, that's not a loaded question.


damned_cat said...

i assume she stole the parrot because it was worth $500 and not because she loved animals. that said, what a farking idiot to go and cut its leg off.

Dan said...

whose to say what motivates a crazy person to do such things. maybe she's doing an animal re-enactment of saw.