Friday, October 05, 2007

pants are on fire

Oh, that's hot. Which is why I don't carry mine in my pocket. I was going to say, "are you just happy to see me or is your iPod on fire?" But that seemed lame. Yup, it's lame. I like the line here. "If you can't stand the heat, get the iPod out of your pocket."

What people with money will pay for. Seriously, a $1000 for an omlette? It better be garnished with gold with a side of gold. And a pizza? Can you imagine having that delivered? And then tipping? What would be the protocol on that?

How much do you expect a three year-old to say? And this kid puts "Survivorman" to shame. C'mon, in about 15 years I can see this kid hosting his own TV show. Of course those of you that think that if a three year-old can do it, so can you... uh, go ahead the world's better off without you.

Why was the 7 year-old driving? "Honey you steer while mommy puts on her make-up." This is why we don't give driver's licenses to 7 year-olds. They can't tell the difference between the brake and the accelerator.

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